5 F3 representatives and 1 very awesome Tomato showed up at Medical Respite to serve and share a meal with 7 guests. Here is a quick summary:
BBQ sandwiches, mac n cheese, green beans (with loads of ham hocks), and brownies for dessert.
Huge tip of the cap to Mrs. Amanda, who got this thing started, and who Lab Rat is lucky enough to work with. She has an infectiously positive outlook on life, and is the direct cause of F3 being involved in this program. She also put together most of the meal….the mac-n-cheese alone was worth the trip.
Lab Rat made the BBQ, and showed up barely on time in order to complete the meal. TYA was there waiting in order to duely give him crap about his tardiness. TYA failed to recognize that Lab Rat has a long drive, and that the Gamecocks just got done showing Florida how to play some Havoc style defense. Luckily, he also brought TSB to smooth out the rough edges. Good to see her again, as she has been on IR for a bit from Sunday runs. Get well soon, TSB!
Rounding out the group, and sitting at the pro-UNC table for dinner were T-Swifty along with his papa, HoneyDo. They were easily put to task, and were slinging food within minutes.
We all introduced ourselves, got some food orders, and happily served our guests. We each sat at a table and struck up conversations. Topics naturally drew towards the tournament, but we also heard some stories from the veterans in the group. Of particular note was “Tip”, who served 15 years in the Navy….in anti-submarine warfare of all places. Tip was super helpful in getting us set up, due to his unfortunate situation of having been in the Medical Respite for some time while going thru a couple rounds of chemo.
We watched a little basketball and chatted a bit more. Then we cleaned up, put the leftovers in some tupperware, and were out by 6:30 or so. YHC thinks that the rewards were huge and the effort was relatively small. This is a great way for F3 to step up and do some good in the community. Therefore, Lab Rat will be signing F3 up for a regular monthly slot in the serving rotation at Medical Respite. I highly encourage the pax to invest in this worthy cause. Watch for signups on the Q sheet soon.
Apology of the week goes to…..NOBODY! Yay!
Lab Rat apologizes anyways.
Great event lab rat. Really awesome way to spend a Sunday evening. Great start to the week and look forward to more of these
Great work fellas, proud of all the hard work.. Go Cocks LabRat
Would definitely do this again. Thanks for organizing Lab Rat!
Great job PAX. Kudos! Can’t wait to join in on one of these.