21 warriors rejected the fart sack and blazed a trail into Dogwood Dell for a beatdown that went something like this…
Mosey to Swan Pond and find a location in the neighboring field
COP (All IC)
100 SSHs
20 LBCs
10 Don Quixotes
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Copperhead squats
Arm circles
65 SSHs
Mosey to swan pond at the bottom of the hill
– Partner up
– One does dips while the other runs up the hill and does 10 burpees and returns
– switch
– continue until down to 1 burpee, rotate dips & copperhead squats at the bottom
100 SSHs
Mosey back to the shovel flag
100 SSHs
Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.
Today marked the one-year anniversary of my first Dogpile beatdown experience. YHC had never Q’d this noble AO and he was nervous, but ready, for the challenge. The PAX has picked up on YHC’s liking of SSHs and he had plans coming in for the 365 day anniversary. Thanks to the fighting spirit of the PAX, the plans came to fruition.
The mumble chatter was buzzing as the PAX started running into the dark and down the street. “Does this guy know that this is not a running AO?” “There is no doubt that we are going to get lost.” and my favorite one “Is he leading us all the way back up to Mechanicsville??”
The PAX landed in a field and circled up. YHC alerted the PAX that this is where the F3 app showed the Dogpile workout a year ago and he had parked on the adjacent street while looking for the workout. He quickly realized that he was in the wrong spot and made his way over to the real location. YHC decided to bring the PAX to that original spot in order to begin dishing out the pain.
The 100 SSHs were met with the normal groan but the PAX slammed through them. YHC got nervous partway through when he realized that there were houses right across the street. He had already angered neighbors of The Creek months ago and he anticipated another angry women in a bathrobe yelling at the PAX in the same way as that fateful morning. It didn’t happen.
The PAX went to work on the goose poop hill and slayed the burpees. YHC audibled the dips to rotate between dips & copperhead squats. That provided a helpful change of pace in the midst of the fight. The PAX rallied and came alongside the final partners to finish the job and sprint to the top of the hill.
YHC had the PAX turn and look at the sunrise and pond. It was a beautiful scene… for 100 more SSHs… The PAX then bolted back to the SF where YHC had a decision. 4 1/2 minutes with 265 SSHs in the books… Do we go for 35 to round it out to 300 SSHs or fight for the original (insane) plan of going for 365…? What do you think? We pounded out 100 SSHs to cross the finish line with 365 SSHs and a shared experience that will last a lifetime.
YHC cannot thank the PAX enough for the encouragement, inspiration and challenges of Dogpile. All of the AO’s bring a specific flavor but this one is near and dear to my heart because it always takes me way out of my comfort zone. YHC wanted to return the favor to all of those who have almost broken me at the Rusty Cages or in the amphitheater or the field (killing field?) next to Carillon or “Love Hill” or across the bridge (with burpees!). There are endless memories of pain and conquest at Dogpile and YHC sees it as the Super Bowl of F3 RVA.
YHC was honored to lead this crew of men through a fight this morning worth fighting. We are all better and stronger for it. The more that we deny ourselves and fight through these challenges, the more that we will be able to do the same in other arenas of our lives. How great is it that the Today Show featured F3 on the show this morning after a glorious beatdown like this one! YHC is truly grateful to be a part of this band of brothers who is rejecting mediocrity and facing life’s challenges together!
The Carpenter
Nice Q this morning. Burped with a crescent moon…nice distraction from the pain!
I just gave up SSHs for the rest of Lent.
Great Q this morning Carpenter. Glad you finally got the chance to Q Dogpile! It’s was a rough morning returning have been down with the flu the last 2 weeks. Thanks Hardywood for teaming up with me as we fought off sickness together!
Thanks for the inspiration this morning Carpenter! It’s making me look forward to my anniversary in two months!!
Great beatdown TC. I learned this morning that 200 SSH is about the maximum I can handle. Also don’t race Dick Trickle downhill.
A killer beat down for sure! Well done! I’m smoked!
Everyone has a special talent, apparently TC’s is SSH. Glad it isn’t Burpees, wouldn’t have minded if it was LBCs or Arm Circles though.
365 SSHs? Epic. The Pax grows, the Pax ages, the Pax gives.
I’ll save that workout for you at another time, Abacus. We missed having you with the team this morning. You would have “enjoyed” every second of it!!
http://www.today.com/video/how-fitness-fellowship-and-faith-are-bringing-thousands-of-men-together-906361923839 link to today show segment
I don believe that was my first Carpenter workout and it did not disappoint. My calves will be screaming at me tomorrow due to the SSH.
Outstanding Q Carpenter! This was one for the ages. We are all underestimating the actual number of SSH. We did 365 in cadence. That is a total of 730. Big ups toe Spit for the push on the burpees. As Wilson would say, be super this weekend fellas.
Man I picked the wrong day to be out of town. I lost 2 pounds just reading the backblast! Way to go men!
The crescent moon was outstanding. The screaming geese were another thing. You fought through the workout the entire time and kept me fired up, Upchuck! Now we need to get Bam Bam (Tom Lane) out to a Dogpile beatdown… right?
I am glad that I didn’t disappoint. It was fun to bring some of the Mechanicsville pain down to the BIG SHOW this morning.
I lose track of the in cadence factor. I guess that means we are covered for my 2 year anniversary OR we will have to increase the pain next year? You brought the heat this morning even though you were sick. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and inspiration out there.
I woke up this morning and my shoulders were unusually sore. Guess SSH can be an arm blaster if you do 700+ of them…
Yup! Shoulders, calves and left knee are all shot!
Hey bro great job!! So proud and grateful to call you all my chosen brothers!!! FYI I woke up this morning feeling sore in weird places than I remembered oh that’s from 365 SSHs great Q!!