Pulled in to the lot this morning, where we witnessed a large blue truck morph into a very tiny mini cooper….WOW! Parking lot was almost empty when Phonics and Lab Rat pulled up, but that didnt last long. A stream of cars started rolling in and in the end, a mighty 21 pax showed up for some WDog fun.
- Don Quixote’s
- Imperial Walkers
- Hillbilly’s
- Arm Circles
- Merkins
- rusty cage AYG- All you got pullups, followed by X10 jerkins. Repeat.
- Dora 123- 1 merkin, 2 squats, 3 LBC’s. Repeat 100 times while partner runs around amphitheater. Flip flop every lap.
- Das Boot (ode to Swirly)- X3 dips each step up amphitheater.
- Mary- American Hammers
COT, Lab Rat took us out.
Let’s talk about some obvious things first and foremost. Excuse me while I bullet this out real quick:
- I dont know when to start a WDog Q without the “Hey, there’s Sippy” 1 minute warning.
- Nobody knows where to park without Big Blue.
- Bunny Slope is a dead ringer for a Whalberg.
- Lucky showed that he got the proper name last week, when he ate it on a root.
- 21 dudes is a LARGE group to lead.
- The sand bags are trashed. I did not know that.
- Flipper is over the moon these days, like he found a long lost buddy……and season tickets.
- Everybody wants Copernicus to stay in Richmond.
- Jerkins suck.
Whew, now I can breathe. So, the mumble chatter theme this morning (except for the part when TYA was busting my balls about the sand bags) was definitely on the VCU head coaches, both coming and going. For those pax that didn’t know that Flipper is friends with the incoming coach…they do now. Flipper was cheesin’ from ear to ear about it, and I understand why. It’s not all smiles though, as we stand a very good chance at losing a cherished pax member in Copernicus as the Wade train packs up for Baton Rouge. We don’t know for certain yet, but it seems inevitable. Here’s to hoping though.
It was totally awesome to see some new pax members…and some older pax that YHC doesn’t get to see very often posting in the stead of a few notable WDog regulars that were absent this morning. Always a pleasure to see Conspiracy stop by, and a tip of the cap to JVille, that always seems to be at a different AO than YHC. Bunny Slope and Love Seat are still killing it, filling up the AO’s on the south side of town. Also, great to see Lucky and Cottonmouth back after it too! Honorable mention goes to Bodo’s for banging out some serious reps as well.
Just so everyone knows, Lab Rat was planning on doing all you got pullups, then sand bag curls (even had a clever name for it….”sand blaster”). Little did he know that the sand bags have ceased to be (they are ex-sandbags, they are pining for the fjords, etc.). Special thanks goes out to Circle K and TYA for assisting with a modification. Wait, check that….TYA was actually a pain in the ass at this point. Circle K gets all the credit….unless you hate jerkins….then blame TYA.
The Dora modification was based on the uneven number of merkins you get to/have to do during a regular Dora based on whether you run first or second. Bonus coverage was that it kinda felt like doing a morphed version of a burpee and a Richard Kimble with all the rolling over and flopping around. People in the know might call that a “Nat Move”, or natural movement practice. But hey, I’m no certified trainer. Phonics liked it, but then again he isnt the best test strip on how the pax will feel about things….for the record he was the only one that liked the plyo workout at Mary Munford a couple weeks ago, AND he thought my MAMBLA joke from yesterday was funny. Poor character, Phonics, poor character indeed.
Apology of the Week goes out to Saab for the rusty cage. Had to do it though, homie. Sorry.
Lab Rat apologizes.
Well done to all this morning!
I swear I never saw Lockjaw today…Q’ing a large group is still a blur to me.
Well done Lab Rat and thanks for the brew. Let’s see what happens.
Be super.
Sorry to miss this beatdown fella’s – looks like a good one… A special Hardywood Labrat brew …. Beautiful !!
I’ll get you one. We missed you out today.
Gracious … Sure missed being there…. Oh I sure hope we don’t lose our buddy Copernicus – if we do God speed brother…
Pumped for our boy Flipdog – next year VCU half time show will be sponsored by Dr. Jim Holland aka Flipdog! Looking forward to it….
Good Q LabRat. Great to have 21 at WDOG.
Halftime show will consist of Dr. Jim Holland flipping the Holland Chiropractic Tractor Tire across the bball court.
Full disclosure Lab Rat: When we came upon the sand bags I was the first to say “yes these sandbags are completely shot…absolutely unusable…real shame you will just have to find something else to do…” Unfortunately it turned to that damn rusty cage. (In truth the bags looked just fine to me.)
Stacked Doras sucked. My thanks to Singer for putting up with my sorry counting and mixed up execution.
Replacement Sandbags are on the way soon.
Great Q, Lab Rat! I was honestly a little disappointed the sandbags weren’t usable, as I haven’t had the pleasure (pain) yet. Excellent improvisation, I believe that was the longest Dora ever. In truth, I did mine in groups of 5x to limit the get-ups and their wear on my knee.
Glad to see Conspiracy back in the fold!