Pax, I need a few volunteers to assist in serving a meal this Sunday 5:30 pm to 7 or so. The meal will be cooked in advance, so it should be a fairly easy couple hours. We are expected to serve the guests, then sit and have dinner with them. I am hoping for 5 volunteers, please respond in the comments below if you are IN. Family members over the age of 10 are welcome to join as well.
Thank you for assisting The Daily Planet in serving a hot, nutritious meal to the patients staying at our Medical Respite Program. Those using the program are there to recover after being released from the hospital due to medical illness or injury. Below you will find information you’ll need as a volunteer and some basic guidelines for preparing and serving food for the residents staying at the Medical Respite Program.
The program is located at 180 Belt Boulevard (23234) in Richmond’s Southside. The location is half way between Midlothian Turnpike and Hull Street beside a Wendy’s. Please go to main entrance of the brick building and ring the doorbell on the left. Let the person at the front desk know you are there to serve a meal at Medical Respite.
Dinner is served 7 days a week. The program can accommodate up to 20 people; however the program is not always at capacity. If you want an exact count, please contact the staff at Medical Respite at least two days before your serving date. 292.3030.
Many of the patients at Medical Respite suffer from diabetes so having meals served at a consistent time is needed. We ask that groups serve lunch at 12:30 and dinner at 5:30 pm (preferred), but no later than 6 pm.
You will need at least 4 people to serve, and no more than 10 due to space limitations.
You will need to purchase food, prepare it, and then bring it to the program and serve it to the residents. There is a full kitchen at Medical Respite, so food can be prepared before or on site. If you choose to prepare on site, please plan on arriving by 5:15 pm. Menu Examples– main entrée, side dish (vegetable), bread and a small dessert. We do have some residents with dietary restrictions. These individuals know their limitations and have alternatives on site when needed. Please limit helpings to 2 per person.
There is a parking lot for you to use at the location. Please stay in groups as the neighborhood does have some crime issues. Coming from the parking lot in back, walk to side of building. You will see a set of stairs going up to 2nd floor. Please take these stairs up to landing and then ring the buzzer.
You do not need to bring pots and pans, serving spoons, plates, cups, utensils or napkins, as they are available on site. You can bring lemonade or iced tea. You are encouraged to bring enough food for yourselves and eat with the residents. Feel free to stay and visit or bring things to have an activity such as Bingo or an UNO Tournament with the residents until 7:30 p.m.
No cameras are allowed. We try to protect the privacy of our residents at all times.
We encourage youth groups to be involved with the programs at Daily Planet. An adult must accompany them at all times. We do not recommend children under the age of 10 participate. Although the program is a safe environment, we cannot always control what our residents may say. Some of the residents are dealing with mental health issues and this is a consideration for parents if they are bringing young children. We would not want to expose them to inappropriate language or behavior.
If you need to contact us, please call the appropriate number depending on the time of your call:
Monday – Friday call Susan Sekerke, the Breaking Bread Coordinator, at 804.783.2505 ext. 241 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. After 3:30 on weekdays or on weekends call 292.3030 and ask to speak to a staff person.
Inclement Weather: Mother Nature may deliver ice and snow to the area or cause power outages. If you find that your group cannot prepare and deliver meals at the scheduled time, please call 292.3030 and let them know as far in advance as possible.
Lab Rat AYE
In, thanks for putting this together Lab Rat.
Tclaps to you my friend! Way to spread the love. Wish I could be there but I have family obligations.
Game time decision…wife should be back, but not sure. If she is, I’ll be there. Text you tomorrow.
Great job pulling this together.