20 F3RVA regulars and 3 FNGs started the weekend the only way we know how, by escaping the fartsack and posting at Dogpile. This is what we did, I think:
Mosey to middle of field at Carillon for COP. Exercises were Invisible Jumprope x 20, Don Quiote x 10, Little arm circle and big arm circles x 10, x 5 respectively.
Mosey to Rusty Cage fro 1/2 Murph. Pullups x 50, Merkins x 100, Squats x 150
Mosey back to middle of field for Escalator. PAX spilt in half.
1st floor – Run to end of field, 2nd floor – Run and Lateral run to end of field, 3rd floor – Run, Lateral, Backwards to end of field, 4th floor – Run, Lateral, Backwards, Karaoke to end of field, 5th floor – Run, Lateral, Backwards, Karaoke, Bearcrawl to end of field.
Mosey to pole lining road to Indian Run Pole Smokers. Pax holds feet six inches while one Pax performs 5 polesmokers and then runs to end of line. Repeat until entire Pax completes 5 polesmokers.
Mosey to hill behind amphitheater for Jacobs Ladder. Run to opposite side of hill and perform merkin x 1. Run back to other hill and perform merkin x 2. Repeat until merkin x 7.
Mosey back to flag. Numberama, Namearama. COT. YHC tooks us out with a prayer.
Moleskin : Lots of mumblechatter this morning from the normal offenders, which YHC is thankful for as it makes the Q feel like he is right at home. YHC has been wanting to try the Escalator for some time and this morning presented the perfect opportunity. The PAX embraced the Escalator and crushed each of the exercises. The 1/2 Murph was greeted with many different strategies for conquering the prescribed exercises and the PAX completed them in record time. That must have been the fastest Jacobs Ladder as we only had 8 minutes left and we finished with almost 2 minutes to spare. Way to work.
Thanks for letting step out front this morning. Welcome to all the FNGs this morning.
Wilson has a golf tournament coming up in May.
Circle K
We had a neighborhood event this morning so sorry I missed for my man Sabotage’s first post. Good work fellas and see you in the gloom!
Nice work FNGs. Is it strange I hated the escalator more than the Murph?
Good Q Circle K
Way to work pax – welcome fng’s
Enjoyed ET’s as always !!!
See y’all in the gloom
Way to crush the Q this am Circle K! While I hated the escalator, it will be returning to the gloom soon. Nice beat down!
Well done Circle K! This was a solid Q all the way around. I’m pretty sure Phonics is the faster running sideways than normal. TClaps to our FNGs for coming out today.
Showing up is the way to make it happen. Fact, it’s the only way.
Be super.
Awesome Q,way to use every second if time allotted.
ET’s was especially crazy today! Here’s a sampling of what went down:
-all 3 fngs came
-Fudd proclaimed Lab Rat a heretic
-Swirly proclaimed himself metro, and proclaimed his love of Mary Poppins
-Saab showed off his new art work,all pax shold ask to see it
-Lab Rat explained at least 3 times what the term “hot rack” means, and over-shared again.
-All pax was volunteered into the sportables program. Details to follow.
And all that was just on one end of the table. Best 3 hours of my week. See yall in the gloom.
That was a great Q CK. I am convinced our side for the escalators was twice as long as the others.
Land O Lakes butter lady’s knees are still as voluptuous as I remember. (I am continually amazed and delighted by what you occupy yourself with in your spare time Lab Rat.)
Nice job Circle K! That escalator was tough…especially the 5th floor. Also, HoneyDo is a bearcrawling machine!
ETs was great! The Pax gained 2 hot racks this am…1 in an FNG and 1 in Saabs art work.
Great job to all…welcome hot rack, sabotoge and cottonmouth.
Well done today gents. Sorry miss. Headed out on vacation – and sat across from L.O.L.A. Lola on first flight. Love seeing an F3 brother in daylight.
I have to say, I’m with Swirly – love Mary Poppins too!
Welcome FNGs. Can’t wait to meet you guys.
If the Sportables program is the adaptive sports non-profit in Richmond, I’m all for that. Have done some pro bono work for them. Great company.
See you fellas in a week.
P.S. It actually is sunny and 70 in Colorado
Hated the escalator? Honey Do, there’s no rule that says bear crawls need to be supersonic. You were like greased lightening. I caught faint glimpses of Cosmo, Fudd, and McRib as they streaked through each floor, too.
Great workout this morning, Circle K. Thanks for leading us.
Circle K, Great Q,
Welcome Hot Rack, Sabotage & Cotton Month
The Escalatior on the field was instense especially those that had double distance!
Same guy, he knew you. He’s going to make it to a workout then give a little talk after. I told him we want to fill in the places where they have trouble getting volunteers.
Great Q Circle K. I was definitely smoked by the end. Helix, Cosmo, Rosie, and Phonics crushed the escalator. Saab took advantage of the “You vs You” concept to ad lib the different floors. I guess when you run a hundred miles you earn the right to take certain liberties.
ET’s was especially epic today. Great hanging with everyone!