Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Murph Monday @ River Run


6 brave souls braved the cold to take on Murph Monday!

On this cold morning for the Murph Monday here is how it went down…..

Mossy around the school and the track for a mile to get to the main playground.

10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises.

  • 10 pullups
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 squats

After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot with the normal stop at the track to make sure we got the full mile in.  Total millage equaled 2 miles with a nice little beat-down in the middle.

COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama

Strong work for all that showed up and as always it is a privilege to lead such a find group of men.  Lots of complaining today from the PAX which means they loved the beat-down….  I think they tried to skip 1 of the 10 rounds on me but I am convinced now that they were correct!  Good work and remember every month the Murph repeats and believe me you will get stronger and better at those pull-ups!


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  1. I thought I was prepared mentally for another Murph Monday, but I was wrong. You can know it is coming but the Murph still kicks your ass. Can’t wait to see the improvement of this group after a few more months of Murph Mondays. Nice work Honeymoon, and thanks to Wilson for the pull-up assistance today.

  2. Yeah. Murph Mondays are right up there with all the other brutal named workouts that I cannot remember! Well done Honeymoon! Gumbo – your help was greatly appreciated as well! #FEBA

  3. At some point I might look forward to Murph Mondays. I am not there yet, keep it coming Honeymoon. Way to push Carmen San Diego, the first post after a vacation is always a tough one.

  4. Great job Honeymoon! I admit that I have a love/hate relationship with the Murph. This AM was mostly hate and I look forward to getting better in the coming months. Thanks for taking the lead today.

    It’s always a great start to the week with the River Run crew. Great job guys!
