Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Havoc Lives Here


“If anyone forces you to go with him one mile, go with him two.”

Twenty-five (25) of Richmond’s finest (including three (3) two-point-zero’s (2.0s) resisted the lure of the fart sack and joined YHC for a numerically challenged saunter through the depths and breadths (and catching our breadths) of The Dogpile.

The Thang:

Mosey from the Flag to the memorial flag (curve at Trafford Road and the tennis courts) for the COP

SSH’s x25
Abe Vegoda x10
Hillbillies x20
LBCs x20
Reverse Crunches x10
Mercans x10

Mosey to baseball fields
No truth to the allegations that the PAX jumped the fence to enter a locked facility.
But if it were true, the PAX would have done the following:

Sprints from right field line to 2nd base extended.  Sprint back.
2nd round sprint at 87.5% (Measurements by Fudd) to 2nd base extended, slow trot to warning track
Polar bear to 2nd base
Five (5) “Who Knows What They are Called” (lay down on back, feet raised six (6) inches, arms do five (5) SSH flaps)
Crab walk to home plate
Burpees to bring up the six (6)

Diamond / Run the Bases
1st Base-ish: Mercans x10
2nd Base-ish: LBCs x20
3rd Base-ish: Squats x30
Home Plate: Flutter kicks x40

Mosey to Reservoir Hill for Dora

100 Mercans, 200 (or 400, ahem) LBCs (depending on how you count ’em), 300 flutter kicks.  Runner scales hill while partner exercises.

Mosey to Columbus Statue for Triangles

3 legs were…10 Mercans at the base of the reservoir incline roads (use both roads with 25 in the group), run backwards up the roads, then drop down the side of the hill.  20 Rosalitas at the bottom.  Repeato 2x

Mosey to Columbus to re-assemble the PAX.

Mosey to east side of the reservoir, pick up Strollers Road.  Follow to Lakeview, then follow Trafford to Blanton (Police Memorial).  Along the route, perform an exercise at each lamp post.  First post 5 Mercans, 2nd post 10 reverse crunches, 3 post 15 squats.  Repeat until arriving at Blanton.  Perform burpees to bring up the six.

Mosey on Trafford “Burpee Road” style…2 burpees per post

Mosey back to the flag.  Number-rama, Name-a-rama, YHC took us out.


Bel Monte, March 11
Ragnar – April 28-29
One more race…April 21 or so (YHC missed this one…someone pick me up).


Great job today, gentlemen (and ladies).  It was a pleasure to lead you all on a atmospherically perfect February (yes, it is still February) morning.  YHC’s last Dogpile Q brought with it a thick snow cover, so it was nice to enjoy cool temperatures for the first week of Spring Training.

YHC confesses to checking his calendar upon pulling in to the Dogpile lot.  The absence of a certain blue, dog-wrapped pick-up truck prompted several reactions.  First, YHC asked silently, “Is today Saturday?”  After confirming the day, YHC made a quick calls to both St. Mary’s Hospital and the Richmond morgue to ensure that no one wearing a Woodfin hoodie had been brought in last night.  Finally, Rosie relieved my anxiety with the reminder of a twisted Sw-ankle.  Stay off that thing for a few days…hope to see you back soon, Swirly.

Shout out to Hardywood who was styling with some dotted swirlishly green and yellow shorts.  Fine looking attire, to say the least.  His quote: “It’s impossible to be unhappy wearing these shorts.”  YHC likes the positive attitude: in mind, in body, and ON body.  Well done, sir.

Thanks also to Fudd for his charitable work on behalf of YHCs numerical deficiencies.  YHC concedes that 1-count, 2-count, and 4-count LBCs all have some merit.  Next time, YHC plans to lead the PAX in 3-count SSHs and 2 count burpees.

Finally, welcome to FNG McKenna (F3 name Havoc).  She might have YHC’s favorite F3 name (and not just because YHC named her).




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  1. Nice Q Upchuck. Not sure how every time I got back down the hill I had more LBCs to do. Sorry about cutting you off on the bear crawl/crab walk Rosie but I have a reputation to uphold.

  2. Nice use of some new spots around the AO. No worries Honeydo, alls fair in crab walks and bear crawls. Just trying to live up to your expectations in a fight.

  3. What a beatdown, Up Chuck! My calves and quads are killing me today.

    I don’t know which was worse … getting up that hill to touch the fence or having to do Wilson’s math homework every time I got back down to the bottom … 😀

    Sorry to miss ETs … after being away for three days for work the M was not gonna stand for me hanging out with the boys.

    Here’s a picture of my AO (Paulus Hook Pier) in Jersey City on Thursday / Friday. It’s no 45MOM but it was OK in a pinch …


  4. Holy crap! That hill just about did me in. Thought I was going to take stumble every time down. Thanks for the beatdown! Great to see so many 2.0’s this morning!

  5. 6:45pm and Havoc is still being Havoc. No breaks and no naps all day. Unlike her dad who took his regular Saturday afternoon nap. Great Q Upchuck, liked getting away from the normal spots of dogpile.

  6. Great Q Upchuck! Really enjoyed using some different parts of the AO. That reservoir hill was a Quad crusher. I’m not sure how many times I ran up and down that hill, but I’m sure it was more than necessary and entirely dependent on the “method” for counting the LBC’s. However, since pain is weakness leaving the body, I really should thank you for the extra dose.

    I was really impressed by Havoc, Athena, and K2. Way to go girls! You made your dad’s proud out there.

  7. Viral – In my defense, a normal LBC is two count. Thanks however for keeping it simple and asking if we wanted to do single count everything. I’ll be searching for you on the next partner exercise! LOL

  8. Upchuck you did not disappoint! Well done using the whole AO. I am curious when this trend of starting a backblast with a quote and leaving the base AO will change back to just a good ole normal workout! I’m a creature of habit. 🙂 Hope Swirly gets to feeling better and gets out there once MSwirly allows him!

  9. Great all around beatdown…that hill is a lovely beast and I look forward to its continued use.

    I did learn what the f@%! a two-count LBC is, and still maintain the declaration of such a count is superfluous and down right confusing. The old Saab can only focus on one set of sequences at a time.

    Enjoyed the post workout ET social as usual. It was nice to make use of my lucky tea bag…

  10. Quite a beatdown Upchuck! I was happy I did not take a tumble on the hill. I guess I reserved all of my falls to Sunday Funday.

    Hardywood, Fudd, and Upchuck,
    I have really enjoyed the off campus tours we have taken the past 3 weeks. Curious where else we can explore in Byrd Park/James River Park in upcoming workouts. It’s a shame Maymont does not open until 10 am.

  11. Solid Q Upchuck. This one saw the merlot work it’s way to the second floor and review the options for an exit. Great creativity and way to add some new elements. Be super fellas!