Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

KB Standing Row Zig Zag Death Crawl @ The Circus


4 cars, 8 able bodies assembled on a beautiful February morning to embark upon a KB beatdown that went something like this:

Slaughter Start: 10 burpees OYO

COP: SSH, DQ, Freddie Mercury’s, Imperial Walkers

KB Waiter Carry around the Circus Bus Loop

Lindsays: KB Merkin Rows + KB Curb Lift Overs

Some Dead Cockroaches

Mosey to Bus Loop

KB Standing Row Zig Zag Death Crawl: start with 4 PAX on each side of bus loop, 10 KB Standing Rows, KB Death Crawl across, drop off KB, Crab Crawl to the KB left behind by the guy in front of you, guy at front runs to the back.

Repeato w/ KB Lawnmower rather than KB Standing Row

KB Waiter Carry around the Cirus Bus Loop back to VSF

COT – Johnsonville took us out.

Naked Moleskin

Kudos to the DaVille boys who showed up late, spilled out of MuddFace’s truck and still almost beat Johnsonville to the start of the COP.

The Merkin Rows crushed the PAX today and took way longer than YHC thought they would. They definitely crushed White Deer’s mumblechatter, anyway. Head’s up to check the Q signup because Gumbo liked the idea of repeating the Lindsay with KB Merkin Rows & WW II KB Presses.

The Zig Zag Death Crawl made sense in YHCs mind on the way to the AO this moring, but the explanation wasn’t working when all 8 PAX were lined up on the SAME side of the bus loop. The Merkin Row affect was strong…and it took YHC some time to remember we needed dudes on BOTH sides of the loop. Duh. The zigging and zagging made for a fun twist, but it seemed to sink in more with the PAX closer to the Q than the poor lost souls further away who bungled their way through the first round. (Bungle…good F3 name for later…and popular English children’s TV character)

Impressive Carbon Footprint today: 4 cars for 8 bodies

Good work today, gents. YHC is still feeling it.

Splinter is leading March’s HDHH


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  1. Strong Q DK. The Lindsay’s were no joke and my shoulders are still burning from the entire beatdown.

    March 9 – Lindsay’s Revenge!

  2. Good work DK. Nothing like a new exercise to confuse a worn down PAX. Emoji just kept trying to avoid the big bells and get back to his baby.
    Gumbo, I think Lindsay’s Revenge is a great plan for the 9th. I’ll be there if I can.

  3. Nice work fellas never seen a Q like that. I will be feeling that in the morning!!!

    Thanks LabRat

  4. Dude! After non-leg day at WDog and this little debacle, my chest and back are shot. It’s like doing two chest and back days of P90x back to back.., except we don’t do P90x workouts, do we?