Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

If there is no struggle, there is no progress.


It was a dark chilly morning in January, and the clocks struck thirty when five brave men entered the gloom. To their surprise no Q was assigned. Wilson took the lead and here is how the time went……..well something like this as there was no weinke!

Mosey to front of school for COP

LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounder, SSH & Don Quixote

Mosey to side of school for triple check, but first LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounders. Partner up one runs and the other does box jumps, wall sits & merkins.

Mosey to access road by side of school for like hill, but first LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounders. Partner up one runs to end the other does lunges, walkout merkins & broad jump burpees.

Mosey to basketball courts for some suicides, but first LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounders. 1st round regular suicides. 2nd round 5 merkins at each line. 3rd round……but first LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounders – backwards run suicides.

Mosey to bus loop for some mary to finish the morning. LBC, Superman, Pickle Pounders & Cross Leg Lifts.

Short Mosey to VSF, number o rama, name o rama and YHC took us out!


On the ride to SOT Honeymoon & I wondered who was the Q. YHC is still feeling the effects of the CSAUP & Murph Monday so I was wondering if we were going to run today. Never told Honeymoon – dude have you seen that guy run? Gotta keep my image up…..LOL We got to AO first and started to call out the cars as they arrived. Was bummed not to see Aisle 5, Rosie or Lugnut, but we pressed on. Gumbo & McRib both knew no Q was assigned so they immediately stated they would. Imagining I was on Celebrity Apprentice I boldly stated “I got this”! Without a weinke! Shortly into the run I was scrambling to figure out what to do. I might have answered my I just make them run for 45 minutes on the track? I dug deep and came up with what is above. Might not have been as smooth as I wanted (Honeymoon would not stop the mumble chatter during COP) I might have barked at him, but I would have it no other way! As we worked our way around the AO I kept thinking of what I am challenged to do, so I did those things. Like running. We did approx. 600 LBC’s today. Just because!

Have a great day and I look forward to being in the Gloom with you fellas!


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  1. Great Spontaneous Q Wilson! That was a fun and painful way to start the morning. I think I set a personal record for pickle pounders (aka J Lo’s) today. I doubt that record will ever be eclipsed. Thank you for taking the lead.

    Way to work today men.

    Til next time.


  2. My abs have been convulsing all day. Brutal and great start to the day, thanks Wilson.

    Beware of weinke-less Wilson…

  3. February challenge is up. “Run a mile” challenge- mini version (only 28 days). Sign up, and lace ’em up!

  4. Really. Running? There are sooo many other exercises that could benefit the PAX. Who selects and approves monthly challenge? Just venting! Oh well!

  5. 2 quotes come to mind, one is from F3 and one isnt:

    F3: “If you are looking for a person to do something, you just became that person.”

    Not: “Step up or step aside.” -Christopher Titus

    or something like that…