8 NoToll regulars braved the wet cold and rallied post-CSAUP for a gloomy beatdown that went something like this:
Brief mosey
COP: SSH, DQs, LBCs, Crab Cakes, Bob & Weave
Mosey to Tennis Court
Line up on side line for Inch Worm
Mosey back to parking lot
Guantanamo x2
Bear Crawl Snake x2
Mosey to back parking lot
4 Corners: 10 merkins, 20 lbcs, 10 gorilla humpers, 10 box cutters
Repeat x4 increasing 10s by 5 and 20s by 10 until we do 25, 50, 25, 25
Introduce 20 poll smokers each time after the first round
Mosey to bleachers for Bleacher Work: 1 min box jumps/step ups, 1 min dips, 1 min muscle-ups, then 30s of each
Mosey back towards SF
2 min of Mary: Flutter Kicks & Alabama Prom Dates
COT – Hardywood took us out
Lots of mumblechatter post-CSAUP…thanks to Wedding Singer for maintaining the Q’s cadence during the SSHs. YHC did his best to not pull a Wilson as the PAX was paying no attention to the Q at first. The Bob & Weave shut everyone up…mostly because YHC’s cadence call was all over the place.
Tennis courts retain water.
Honeymoon requested Merkins rather than planking during the Crawl Bear Snake. YHC invited him to merkin if planking wasn’t enough. After 2 rounds of snaking (without gloves because they had been soaked during the Inch Worm.), Honeymoon abided.
YHC stayed on pavement today given the rain totals RVA received over the last few days. No Brown Water today.
Don’t ask FlashDance for pointers on KB swings…instead, check with Rosie on good form.
Thanks for coming out gents!
Great Q DK! I still feel the shame from the gorilla humpers.
Way to work fella’s – see y’all in the gloom!
I never thought we would hear about spring break and sexual proprietary activities in the COT. Thanks Hardywood for your confession, the truth will set you free!!!
Nice job DK! Thanks for keeping us fairly dry. Also, your ‘try not to jump’ call out during the muscle ups helped me realize I had been cheating on those in the past. I was feeling them today.
Thanks for leading…nice work today guys!
Way push through fellas. See you in the SOT gloom tomorrow.
Traveling by bear crawl snake sucks at NoToll as much as it does at SOT, thanks for bringing that back DK. Is that your new signature move?
I am sore just listening to how Flashdance was doing kettlebell swings.
Gorilla humpers sound way more aggressive than monkey humpers…