This morning 7 Southside RVA stalwarts and 1 cotter enjoyed the muggy and foggy conditions at SOT.
Here is what went down.
- 20 X SSH
- 12 X Don Quixote
- 20 X Imperial Walkers
- 15 x Arm Circles
- 10 X Windshield Wipers
- 10 X Merkins
Mosey to first street light at large bus circle
Ascending Burpees at each Street Light 1 to 8 (Running Forward)
Descending Burpees Merkins at each Street Light 8 to 1 (Running Backwards)
Mosey to Bball Court
Catch a Bear
- Partner 1 – Crawl Bear down bball court
- Partner 2 – 10 Diamond Merkins then Bear Crawl to catch Partner 1
- Repeat for 5 rounds (50 Diamond Merkins for each partner)
Catch a Crab
Noah’s Arc (a Splinter Reboot)
- Using the Lugnut track on the bball courts each pax member planks facing partner. PAX performs 2 merkins, then 1st 2 partners sprint around the lugnut track.
- Repeat until all PAX performs one lap.
Mosey to Stairs at Front of School for 5 minutes of LBCs
Mosey to front circle for Partner Runs
- 1 – Flutter kicks AMRAP (Switch to LBCs after 2 rounds)
- 2 –Run lap around circle
Mosey back to VSF
Numberama, Nameorama, Announcements
- CSAUP this Saturday 1/21 (See Pre-blast and respond if you plan to attend)
- F3RVA PodCast is now up (See Pre-blast – Audio Needs Work – Wilson)
YHC Took Us Out
Above 50 degree temperatures are rare for January mornings and this AM served as a nice break from the cold. It was also warm enough to allow for Wilson to shed his LBTs for the workout. Shortly into the workout the PAX was likely wishing that Wilson had more coverage in that area as his 4th F started strong during COP. In responding to inquiries about dinner last night, Wilson informed the PAX that he dined on Ramen noodles. This prompted significant mumble chatter and questions on whether Wilson was back in college. This chatter and laughter also disrupted YHC’s count, which was obediently maintained by DK (thanks DK). Throughout the remainder of the workout this trend continued as if a foghorn was blowing to notify the rest of the PAX of Wilson’s presence. The warm weather also brought a cotter back to SOT as it allowed for Bobber to break from F3 hibernation and get in some good work (Welcome back Bobber…the cold is really not that bad J).
YHC also decided to pull a few audibles this morning. The first of which came after the ascending burpees. YHC had considered doing descending burpees but was especially winded after the ascension and changed to merkins…if you can’t do it…don’t Q it. The 2nd audible came after Catch a Bear. That was especially tough as no breaks were planned between each partner rotation. The plan was to move into Catch a Crab after that, which would have involved crab cakes and forward and backward crab walks, but YHCs shoulders had other plans. Also during this it was evident that Wilson and Rosie had explored almost the entire set of bball courts and probably needed a break from hand walking. Not wanting to give the shoulders too much of a break, YHC then led the PAX to perform Noah’s Arc. This was a reboot of an exercise Splinter led during a Dogpile last year, and YHC had wanted to include this at SOT for some time. After the shoulder blast at the Bball courts the PAX moved into some catch up work on LBCs w. 5 minutes of them. Hopefully that allowed for some good catch up for those committed to the monthly challenge. Last exercise was a partner check which involved running and some good ab work. YHC partnered with Wilson during this exercise and was warned by Honeymoon of the Ramen odor that Wilson left behind during each rotation. Silent foghorns are the worst.
There was a fair amount of mumble chatter after COT about the F3 RVA Podcast. YHC has checked out a few of them and can attest that they are very entertaining and informative. Case in point came this AM as during a particular tough part of the workout, YHC was inclined to ask LugNut if he was ‘feeling ok’. Thankfully, YHC had listened to episode 3 and was informed that this question may trigger a medical incident for Lugnut. Potential disaster averted.
Men, as always, it was a pleasure and honor to lead you all this AM. Thank you for indulging the many varied exercises and YHC’s lead today.
Till next time.
Great work today men!
sorry for those that had to dodge the bus traffic during the ascending burped. Glad everyone stayed safe.
Great Q McRib! That was a tough workout! Ramen is good in all phases of life!
Apparently with the fog and diesel fumes in the gloom at SOT Wilson thought a foghorn was in order. We appreciate the thought Wilson but we did not need to alert passing ships of our presence.
Excellent BB McRib ! Well done fellas – way to work…
See y’all in the gloom
Shoulder buster. Solid work, Kevin Bacon.
Rosie – yup, got it on the ships, but I wanted to save the PAX from the bus! Just making it gloomier and during today’s beat down, possibly safer. Had a salad for lunch today………..
Thanks for the heads up on your diet. I’m more concerned with what you eat before the CSAUP. Also, I’m still hurting from you leaving me in the dust on the crawl bears and having to go the length of the courts.