Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Never drive to a workout or no one will show up.


A single, hearty, midwesterner Pax arrived via car 10 minutes early to Batteau this am for a 45 minute beatdown involving touching trees, chucking a slab of granite around in the snow, snowy sprints, a variety of animal crawls, and isometric bar hangs.  Said details will be saved for his next Q.


After consulting with the M and checking the forecast, YHC decided that it would be best to not run the 2.6 miles to and from the AO this morning.  YHC is comfortable  running on ice, but ice + dark + very cold + alone is not a safe combo.  So, YHC decided to drive to the workout and was looking forward to some frosty fellowship.  But none of the regulars (Hardywood, Swirly, Wheelbarrow, Wedding Singer, EF Hutton, Flipper) were brave enough to venture out.  It was cold for Virginia, but YHC has run at below zero conditions in Michigan, so this was relatively warm in comparison.    Clothing: 5 layers on top (one shed during the workout), LBTs with  shorts overtop, a thin hat, balaclava and face mask, thick wool socks, and trail shoes.  It actually wasn’t cold once I got moving.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Oh man – sorry to hear you were solo this morning Sippy… Looks like a good solid beatdown – atta baby!
    See y’all in the gloom.

  2. Wedding Singer on

    Respect Sippy, was afraid this might happen given the weather and road conditions. I’m recovering from a child-infused stomach bug that kept me away this morning.

  3. Much Respect Sippy….You’ve just earned a lot of chips to be cashed in at a later date.

    In hindsight, wish you had headed North so you could have joined us at Punisher.

  4. Yeah, we could have used a man of your talents at the Punisher to round us out. Much respect for the solo workout. That’s gloom on gloom.

  5. Man, going solo out there this morning is some tough stuff. That’s like some scenes from the Revenant. Respect!

  6. Solid respect.

    In perhaps related news, my police scanner picked up reports of a lone person in a south Richmond park hurling a piece of concrete. Police said it was too cold to respond.

  7. Respect Sippy…sidelined with a nasty plantar fasciitis problem…sorry to leave you hanging