Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A beatdown that will live in infamy


14 faithful found their way to WDog on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  So there is the theme for the day, here is what went down:

COP – SSH ,  Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Merkins, Arm Circles.

Down to Amphitheater. In honor of 75th Anniversary:  75 Burpees, 5 each step on up 15 steps. Mosey to Carillon.

Partner up. 110 Merkins and 188 Box Cutters. 1 partner runs up and down Carillon. Finish with APDs  – Arizona Prom Dates.

Mosey to Rusty Cage.  3 Sets of 7 of: Pull Ups and then Jerkins. 7 being # of battleships sunk, 21 total ships sunk.

Mosey to field- Broad Jumps across, 21 Flutterkicks. Lunge back. Bear crawl acrossand back. lastly Wheelbarrow across and back, with 10 Derkins at end. Mosey back to the flag.

NMS – So YHC ran out of stats after the Rusty cage since the pax crushed the 75 Burpees. On the bright side after that start YHC may not be seeing TYA at any Qs in the near future.

Glad to have Lab Rat there to shore up any naval references.  the Arizona PDs were lost on some…

We learned that EF Hutton can broad jump faster than he can run.

Glad to see Toga back in the gloom with all he has been dealing with. You are still in our prayers brother.

Announcements – Weekly Thursday lunch is tomorrow, on Thursday…  Location is Pop’s Market on Grace at Noon.

Pleasure to lead this am. YHC loves WWII history and tried to keep this theme reverent. We are lucky as hell to be Americans and can always do more to remember those who fought for the blessings we take for granted.


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  1. Awesome beatdown as usual Honey Do. Your “holiday” workouts never disappoint. For a while there I felt as though I was actually in an internment camp. Thanks to TYA for his wardrobe selection during box cutters. LOLA really tore it up on the wheelbarrows…the guy was almost running horizontally…it was a struggle to keep up.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent Q Honeydo – very appropriate theme and sneak attack with the 75 burpees…Well done taking us out too.. Indeed we are very fortunate to live in this great country and are grateful to all those who fought for our freedom and security.
    See y’all in the gloom..

  3. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    75 burpees to start is a little extreme… now I remember why I avoid honeydo Qs! Saab, it now officially tights season. Get used to it.

  4. Nice job guys and nice Q HoneyDo.

    Upon reading the first sentence I was eager to hear about the time traveling capabilities used to get back to 1948 (7th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor).

    After reading further, I gathered that this must have just been a typo. Nonetheless, the 75 burpee surprise attack and the remainder of the beatdown looks really strong…no matter what year it occurred.

    This just proves that the approach and camaraderie of F3 are truly timeless.

    Way to go!


  5. Tell me about it. I will be envious once the temperature drops into the teens. Hopefully Santa will grace me with some. There’s a nice pair of skin-toned tights I’ve had my eye on. That way no one will really know…

  6. Dammit, I was pounding out this BB on the road right before an 11 meeting. Changes made, including Saab in the pax list.
    Glad the kamikaze starter was a hit, this also proves we are one step close to the ABB- All Burpees Beast!

  7. Solid Q Honeydo. Glad we didn’t do 183 burpees in honor of the minutes of life lost watching the Pearl Harbor movie.

  8. The Saab was in turbo diesel mode as well for those wheelbarrows!

    Honey Do, very thoughtful rememberance in pure beat down form, well smoked sir.

    Thanks also to Toga for going beast on the Dora’s while I figured out how to run around the carillon!