22 Stallions hit Mighty Mick’s AO with Hearts On Fire for a 40th Anniversary Rocky beatdown.
EF downed some raw eggs and planted the flag, here’s how it went down.
Mosey to circle
- Invisible Jump Rope
- Cuff & Link Squats
- Knockout Merkins
- Philadelphia Dry Docks
- Mountain Climbers
- Southpaw Shuffle
- Butkis
Mosey to Amphitheatre
In Rocky, the World Champion, Apollo Creed, gave an unknown a shot at the title. Little did Apollo know, Rocky Balboa had the heart of a lion and a jaw made of iron. Few gave Rocky a chance until suddenly in the first round Rocky knocked down the champ on his way to a grueling 15 round split decision. Rocky trained by doing sit-ups, merkins, military presses, and pounding slabs of meat.
- Pound That Meat – Drop for 5 Burpees
- Merkins and World War II Sit-ups (1/14, 2/13, 3/12, ….14/1)
- Pound That Meat
In Rocky II, after being called a fraud Apollo taunted Rocky into a rematch, out to prove that the first fight was a fluke. Rocky’s trainer Mick knew that in order to win Rocky would need to confuse the champ by fighting right handed and using speed to avoid a beating like the first. In order to develop speed and agility, Mick had Rocky chase chickens until he could catch one.
Eat Lighting and Crap Thunder – Chase the Chicken down the field
- Round 1 – Bear Crawl (1s) vs Crawl Bear (2s), flip
- Round 2 – Crab Walk F (1s) vs. Crab Walk B (2s), flip
- Round 3 – Run (1s) vs. Back pedal (2s), flip
In Rocky III, after mowing down a series of lesser opponents, a challenger by the name of Clubber Lang stalked Rocky demanding a shot at the title. After Lang insulted Rocky’s wife Adrian the match was set. On his way to the ring Rocky’s manager Mick suffered a heart attack. Distracted by Mick’s absence the Champ was dominated. After a pep talk by Adrian, Rocky finally regained his will to fight. In order to beat the much bigger and stronger fighter, Rocky enlisted his now friend Apollo to train with him. To beat Lang, Rocky would need to wear him down with quickness and finesse. Rocky learned to float around the ring and built his endurance by practicing footwork with Apollo, swimming, and racing on the beach.
- Side Shuffle
- Bearcrawl
- Side Shuffle
- Sprint
- Repeato
In Rocky IV, Apollo came out of retirement to face the Russian amateur champion in an exhibition fight. To Rocky’s horror, Apollo was killed by the giant Russian. Against Adrian’s wishes Rocky traveled to Russia to train and seek revenge for his fallen friend. Ivan Drago was a machine fueled by the best Russian technology, training methods, and PEDs. Rocky was fueled by anger. To train Rocky went old school, running up mountains, pulling a sled, slinging rocks, chopping wood, and doing the craziest pole smokers you’ve ever seen.
- American Hammers vs. Russian Twists – Sippy Cup FTW
- Rusty Cage – 3 Rounds 10 pullups/ 10 WWII Sit-ups
In Rocky II, Rocky’s training culminated with Rocky leading the PAX on a run through Philadelphia ending on top of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Run around AO ending on top of Carillon.
YHC has been a fan of the Rocky series ever since he can remember. YHC’s birthday wish at the age of 5 was to go to the theater and see Rocky IV. While age 5 was perhaps a bit young to witness such violence, it was the perfect age for a young EFH to develop a sense of American pride and determination. It was YHC’s hope that today’s workout and homage to Rocky would also pay tribute to the foundations of F3. While Rocky always had tough opponents in the ring it was his ability to overcome his inner self telling him to quit or give up that made him special. No one could ever match Rocky’s heart. F3 men have that same heart and ability to push themselves beyond what their bodies want to do. Thanks to all for indulging YHC today and your patience as YHC set up each exercise. Note to YHC, 10 years from now on the 50th anniversary YHC will borrow a real chicken from DK and find some slabs of beef for the PAX to pound. Special shout out to any PAX that got every reference. Cuff and Link were?
- Keep EHing your Tidewater connections – Rosie is leading the PAX down for the last Saturday
- Good Luck to Bear Creek 10 milers tomorrow
- Continued prayers for Toga’s and Abacus’s families
“You, me, nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” Rocky speaking to his son in Rocky Balboa
EF Hutton Has Spoken
Yo PAX, we did it!
Great work today men.
First class themed Beatdown EF Hutton. You smoked us so hard that Saab’s shirt got turned around on him. Although not a fan of cutting the bear crawl on the field in half, bears love honey; Honeydo loves bear crawls.
I love the themed beat down!!! Can say it enough : I love being apart of this group!!!! This is flat out awesome
Great job today EF Hutton! Loved the theme and the inspirational messages between exercises.
HoneyDo, way to take that bear crawl all the way.
Great job today guys!
See you next time.
Wow! Fun and challenging workout this morning. I am surprised that no one shouted out “Yo Adrian!” Or that the main rocky theme didn’t make it into the beatdown today. Love the themed workout and the new exercises I was unfamiliar with. I need to get to dogpile more often!
SO BUMMED that I missed this workout. Nice job all you Italian Stallions!!
Oh and I can’t wait to do my FOOTLOOSE inspired workout … Coming to an AO near you soon! 😛
This morning was an adventure for sure! Thank you for putting together the challenge and pushing is Rocky style.
Nice theme today EF…particularly your selection during COP. Today’s workout did not, however, eliminate my disdain for 80’s movie soundtracks. Thanks to Honey Do for calling out my wardrobe malfunction…glad that someone still cares about my appearance.
I will not even mention how old I was when I saw Rocky I in the theater…(5 years old for Rocky IV…seriously!)
Let’s see if I’m smarter than I look. I believe you are currently 50, give or take a year or two. If Rocky came out 40 years ago, you must have been something like 25 when you saw it in the theater? Or perhaps you were about 10. Us CPAs use machines to do math for us.
Is it just 80s soundtracks that you hate? Surely you can agree that the best music ever made came out between 1985 and 1995.
EF Hutton thanks for the beatdown this morning! What an awesome theme! Rocky would be proud!
Great themed beatdown today EFH. I, for one, applauded the audible away from the 100+ yard bear crawl, especially after being the chicken and chasing the chicken. Either way, I was fully smoked by the time we hit the stairs of the Carrillon. Great start to the weekend.
Spoiler alert! Geez….
Sounds solid, great theme. Glad I missed out on the bear crawls though. Seems as though Honeydo and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum on what we consider good exercises!
FYI — ROCKY 1-5 are all free with your Amazon Prime acct! I know what I am doing over the break.