12 brave and fearless warriors arrived for a blustery Saturday morning. This group of men was ready to take ownership of their effort and of Mt. Trashmore. We were prepared for battle with just cause and able group of the willing.
The thang:
COP – SSH, Imperial Walker, LBC, Freddier Mercury X 20, Merkin X 10
11s – Partner up. Each team starts with Boo Yah Merkins and Partner Burpees. Round one is 10 Boo Yah Merkins and 1 Partner Burpee. Round two is 9 Boo Yah Merkins and 2 Partner Burpees. Etc. to 1 Boo Yah Merkin and 10 Partner Burpees.
Fantastic Four – Four rounds of four consecutive exercises punctuated by a run up to the top of Mt. Trashmore to “TYA Pole” and back down. On each round add 10 qty to each. Round 1 is 10 Dips, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 Leg Lifts then run to top of Mt. Trashmore and back. Round 2 is 20 Dips, 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Leg Lifts then run again. Round 3 is exercises X 30 then run. Round 4 is exercises X 40 and run.
Balls To The Wall – Three rounds of the following. One partner gets in the Ball To The Wall position. The other partner runs approximately 300 meters then switch positions. Complete three rounds.
Mosey back to flag for burpee shuffle and ring of fire.
Numberama, namerama and Honey Do took us out.
Moleskin: YHC was pretty excited for this day, which lead to non-optimal sleep. After the car was packed with a proportionate amount of coffee and shovel flags, YHC was not able a very necessary wallet. This lead to a few brief moments of panic and then said wallet appear exactly where YHC had last placed it. A few minutes after 5pm coffee was being poured in the Ellwoods parking lot and the clown car was loaded.
Flipper held court for the drive down. How in the world some one who doesn’t drink coffee can sound that much like Sam Kinison that early in the morning, YHC will never now. Upon arrival at the AO we were greeted with the sight of shovel flags planted. We were also greeted with gusty Atlantic winds that shivered me timbers.
The Hampton Roads crew absolutely crushed it. This was a full hour beat down. If we are gonna drive down, we gotta bring our A game. Mt. Trashmore is no joke and this place is an awesome AO. Dreamliners super power is Balls To The Wall. This exercise was done with such precision and closeness of his balls to the wall, there is a chance that in nine months there will be little baby walls with a Mt. Airy accent at Mt. Trashmore.
The 2nd F was at Panera with most of the Pax able to make it. Topics included the technical materials procurement division of NASA putting out a male calendar. Amazingly, this hasn’t been done before.
The clown car back to the nurturing biosphere of the mothership was a highlight for YHC. There were many stories on the ripple effect this group of men has had directly and indirectly on the pax. It is an incredible privilege to be a part of this community for YHC. There’s a saying that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. That makes YHC a damn lucky fellow.
Big thanks to Dreamliner for the consistent effort to build momentum here. YHC is confident this will be a force in the years to come.
Keep up the great work gents.
Be super.
Great work this morning gents. If there was ever a justifiable excuse for not leaving the fartsack, a super cold post holiday morning should do the trick. Way to show up and do the work. A huge thanks to the Richmond crew for giving of your time and energy. Big cheers to you all.
Thank you Hardywood, the RVA team, and Dreamliner for sacrificing a little family time to help keep F3HamptonRoads growing! It looks like you all had a good beat down. Great work, men!
Nice work everyone! It was great to see StinkHill up close … maybe a little too close!!
Great work Space Needle & Centerfold hope you come back soon!
Space Monkey, Dr. Mystery & Half Life nice to have met you and super job out there today … Y’all killed it! Keep up the good work.
Dreamliner, keep shaking them weasels … I am so impressed with your work to get this group going. Oh and got a great chance to talk to your dad @ Coffeeteria what a good man.
Keep up the good work HRVB!!
Tonka safe trip home to Greenville.
Nice work men of F3 RVA and Hampton Roads. It appears that a solid foundation for growth is being laid at Mt. Trashmore.
Oh good call on Flip’s volume, Hardywood. His voice goes to 11.
Why don’t you just make 10 louder, because I go to 11. The entertainment was free this morning fellas, you get what you pay for. It’s already been said but Mt. Trashmore is no joke. It’s actually a dream crushing man made hill of garbage. Thank you Dr. Mystery for bringing the medicine this morning. Well done Centerfold (gotta buy his calendar) and Space Needle. Fairly certain there will be a cinder block paternity suit against Dreamliner soon, you are literally balls to the wall man. Tonka thanks for showing us how you roll in Greenville.
Hardywood the pax will never forget the day you helped them crush that mountain.
We drove all that way for a rumble with Campos, only to have the AO to ourselves. Great work Hardywood.
For Rosie’s crew next week I suggest binge on Space movies this week to have NASA themed FNG names top of mind…
Awesome work, men. Love to read these back blasts with all the energy and excitement of a new AO.
Also, Upchuck and Flipper are no longer allowed to comment on Lab Rat’s word count.
As always, great job men! The 4th time up the mountain was crushing. I had already convinced myself the 3rd time was our last.
Space Needle and Centerfold, amazing (and hard) first post.
All, your goal should be to bring an FNG to every workout. An offer to pick them up goes a long way.