Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Attention Kmart shoppers…Black Friday Special Aisle Highland


7 faithful awoke from their Turkey comas and post at The Creek for a Black Friday special. The shovel flag was planted and we got to work.


COP – Black Friday Founded in 1932 (sets of 32 or 16):

-SSH x 32 IC
-Invisible Jump Rope x 32 IC
-Helicopters x 16 IC
-Rosalita x 16 IC
-Crab Cake x 16 IC
-LBC x 32 IC
-Arm Circles x10 Small x 6 Big IC, Reverso

Mosey to the field

The Beast – Black Friday Style

First Set – Walmart – iPhone 5(s) on Sale for $99
– Merkins x 99 – 17 at each distance

Second Set – Target – XBox One on Sale for $249.99
– LBC x 250 – 42 at each distance

Third Set – Target – Hover Quest (robot vacuum) on Sale for $199.99
– Merkins x 200 – 34 at each distance

Four Set – Best Buy – LG 40″ LED TV on Sale for $149.99
– Alabama Prom Date x 150 – 25 at each distance

Fifth Set – Amazon – Echo on Sale for $139.99
– America Hammers x 140 – 24 at each distance

Sixth Set – Toys R Us – Lifetime Basketball Hoop on Sale for $77.99
-Jump Squads x 78 – 13 at each distance

Mosey back to flag


YHC took us out


Great showing at the Creek today with most PAX members staying in their fart sacks or being on the road today.

With today being Black Friday, YHC felt was only fitting to share with the PAX they specials they would be able to find today (these are actual specials at the retail stores for anyone that is interested).

The final count on the Merkins should be around 300 to 305.

The Carpenter made a comment it seems that it was smelling like we are still in our fart sacks. No worries it was just some near by septic tanks giving a wonderful aroma in the air.

At about the halfway point the PAX ask if the Karate Kid could come back. HeHe not allowed.

Welcome back to Tea Party! Glad that you were able to make it.

YHC shared at the end how thankful he is for F3. This has truly be a major impact in his life. Thanks to The Carpenter and Abacus for their special F3 work out during Restoration’s Men Retreat back in May. You guys are inspiration to YHC, you have help this once Sad Clown become a leader.

Thanks also goes out to Emoji, Opus, Lab Rat, and Circle K. YHC has love getting to know you guys in a deeper level. Really has put that 2nd F to work.

Finally thanks to some of the DogPile guys (Swirly, TYA, Hardywood, and Honey Do). YHC truly looks up to you guys to push himself more and more every gloomy post to become stronger!!


F3 Expansion – Virginia Beach at Mount Trashmore every Saturday
F3RVA shirts on sale until today. Get them before time runs out!




  1. Strong Q this morning, Spit. We knocked out a ton of merkins and pushed through a good workout. You are growing as a leader and I count it as an honor and privlege to be on this journey with you. Let’s keep killing the Sad Clown tendencies in us and rise up!

  2. Nice theme! Sounds like a solid thumping. I am thankful that you guys showed up at DaVille 6 months ago and have been tearing it up ever since. Onward and upward from here is the only way I see it.

  3. T-claps for themes! Seeing the Daville gang at Dogpile get stronger each week has been awesome to watch.

  4. Nice work Spit! I wish there was some door buster trampling worked in somehow but clearly your theme is Honey Do Approved.™