Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

EF is angry today, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli


7 Crazies congregated at the Stone House to kickoff Thanksgiving week with a bang.

EF planted the flag, here’s how it went down.

Mosey to the seating area just down the hill from Stone House


  • Merkins x 15
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Helicopters
  • Arm Circles
  • Copperhead Squats
  • LBCs
  • Box Cutters
  • Merkins x 15

Mosey down the hill to the pond area

Dora – Partner 1 Runs Uphill to the Bridge/ Partner 2 Exercises

  • Body Builders x 50
  • Lt. Dans x 100
  • Flutter Kicks x 200 2ct


Lap Around Pond w 2 Burpees at every 2nd Lamppost

Continue Burpees at last light until PAX completion

Mosey to top of stairs

Gunslingers – coupon curl into an overhead press and triceps press IC x 15

Mosey to Tennis Courts


Back Pedal Suicide

Ring of Fire


Mosey back to shovel flag

For those counting, YHC had roughly 120 merkins in the workout


After a pleasant weekend, the gloom returned on Monday full blast.  As of the planting of the flag the temp was yet to reach 30, though at least half of the PAX rolled out in their finest summertime apparel.  As the PAX received its first assignment of the day, Hardywood wondered aloud if an upcoming visit from the in-laws had YHC angry.  To answer the question, no EF loves all creatures, even the in-laws in short duration and as long as they live in a different city.  In fact YHC was not angry at all as the title suggests, YHC was elated after Saturday’s victory in South Bend and Sunday night’s smackdown in DC.  Perhaps a little jacked up on adrenaline despite a lack of sleep.  Flipper shared in YHC’s excitement.  Welcome back Wheelbarrow, glad to see a new face and hope to see you back soon.  Swirly regaled the PAX with tales from the road on Saturday including TYA’s old man bladder, Bleeder beating down the door of his own establishment, and Saab looking on in horror.  Swirly was pleased to report that he kept the peace and avoided confrontation as another group on the mountain passed out shiny new t-shirts claiming “We Own Mt. Trashmore.”  F3 doesn’t need to make such a claim, only to have a place to plant the flag and make men better.


Special 60MOM on Turkey Day at 5:30 followed by 7am Circus for those desiring a double dip.  Hardywood plans to bring coffee for post Mary 2nd F.

Keep EHing your Tidewater connections – Hardywood is leading the Clown Car down on Saturday

Dreamliner is starting a mid-week workout down in the Chesapeake area, spread the word

See recent BBs for others

EF Hutton Has Spoken.


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. What a beatdown. For as cold as it was this morning, as EF said when we were Dora-ing … I didn’t feel very cold at that point! 😀

    I did get a little worried when you led us into the woods up those hills. Even though I’ve known you for about 6 years … I admit I was a little afraid you were luring us all to our untimely ends.

    Welcome back Wheelbarrow! Second time is the hardest because you know what you are getting into … hope to see you again soon! 🙂

  2. Thanks for posting. I knew there was definitely a chance that reference would fly right over everyone.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Solid Q EF Hutton !
    Great job today guys – welcome back Wheelbarrow ..
    See y’all in the gloom…

  4. You had me at “Hardywood plans to bring coffee”. See you Thursday then. I assume this means coffee for all, not coffee for Hardywood?

    Hutton, glad to see that shovelflag getting some dirt on it.

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome guys – my apologies for being the anchor slowing everyone down!

    Sippy, thanks for doing the lion’s share of Dora while I trudged up the hill!

  6. Had I not been aided by some late night football adrenaline I am not sure I would have made it up that Hill. What do we call it anyway… I know Hardywood has probably given it a cool name already.. like Hate Hill, or The ascent to your demise, The Merlot Spiller, or Mount Saint WTF am I doing… anyway Hutton was not messing around this morning. But thank god he wasn’t angry… I don’t think you would like him when he is angry.

  7. Yes!!!! THOIR what ever you call it is a biatch to get up and Wheelbarrow never ever apologize… I almost thru up on you and I have been coming for like 9 months. You killed it and inspired us all.