Let’s be honest, it isn’t always easy finding your way around the streets of the near west end when aren’t from the area. As a Q, sometimes you spew off a few instructions which, in your mind, are simple left, right, left rights, but to those unfamiliar with the area, may as well be a form of Greek Google Maps.
Heck, we’ve been doing Tuesday Spider Runs for six months now and I could no more Q a run there (other than 10 laps around the pond) than I could a Q in Youngstown, Ohio.
Thus, last week, the unthinkable happened…we lost a pair of runners (almost). Coming back from the Carrillon, Back Bay and Copernicus (who, ironically, got his name from finding us after we had started) became misplaced in Windsor Farms, a place, we’ve experienced, you don’t want to be misplaced in that early in the morning…or, really, ever. Thanks to the homing beacon that is Lab Rat, we were able to safely return Back Bay and Copernicus to Mary Munford unharmed.
But it was a good lesson learned.
On Friday, we decided, just to be safe, that we were basically going to do a down and back. The suggested route had the group hanging a left on Grove, a right on Westmoreland and then a right on one of America’s most famous running routes…Monument Avenue. From there, the PAX was to run until 22:30 and then turn around and run back.
Theoretically, it didn’t matter if you followed the route or not…as long as you turned around and came back at the 22:30 point, then you were ok.
Fortunately, everyone made it back safely to Mary Munford…including Sippy Cup, who, honestly, probably ran a sub 43:00 10K. He was going to beat his time that it took to get to the 22:30 mark, and by the looks of how quickly he finished, he did just that.
Enjoy the weekend, group, and enjoy this nice weather and best of luck to anyone that ran in the races around the Marathon.
And always run in pairs.
Nice run, Marv. Gumbo, honeymoon and I did vet from route due to unusually heavy traffic on monument, but we also got the reverse split.
Coincidentally, my parents are from Youngstown. I couldn’t Q there either, though. Go Penguins!
Also, thanks for the tickets! Honeydo, his 2.0 and I had a blast!
That route was idiot proof (only got lost once. Just kidding. Probably.). Wrapped up the morning with a dead car battery though just to cement my position as the most high-maintenance member of F3 RVA. Bleeder and Swirly, thanks again for the jump!
Merkin Challenge link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L8e9W24ygnU0suaGyKxzi1PgPqY1CBd57hLrKTZI-g/edit?ts=563e70a3#gid=711611107