Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

16! Who cares?


10 people started a bit of a roll your own workout for today’s edition of RAMM.  Here’s how it went down:

Turn left on grove and run at a leisurely pace for 6 minutes then turn around and meet back at the corner of Westmorland and Grove.  Mosey to the main soccer field for 16 100’ish yd sprints with 45 secs rest in between each.  Line up on Westmorland for indigenous peoples’ run back to the parking lot.  Using the small field by the lot, high knees down and back, butt kickers down and back, Russian soldiers down and back, and one pass at slow, knee to the deck lunges.

We think TYA ran a lot on his own, and Lab Rat searched for him a little.

NMM:  YHC had been thinking about the 16 sprints for some time and even asked for the Q from Lab Rat just to give it a go.  The backstory is that the University of Alabama football team does 16 sprints at the end of practice every week, sixteen sprints for sixteen national titles.  YHC thought that was pretty powerful stuff.  Without giving this drop the mic moment some time to sink in, Splinter immediately said, “Who cares?”  Apparently JMU is not impressed.

On top of this lack of wonder at such an awesome achievement, YHC really didn’t know how hard the sprints would be.  It sounded pretty awful, but the PAX rolled right through and stayed on pace throughout.  You should have seen the wheels on TwoCan!

Re TYA and Lab Rat, I’ll need them to tell their own stories.

Stay Classy,



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  1. Good job, Toga. I appreciated all of the helpful instructions about form with the last exercises. I expect to be sore tomorrow from all of those sprints.

  2. @Sippy: You’re welcome! I’m full of useful information.
    @Rat: Sorry we missed you, and thanks for loaning the flag.

  3. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    I had a feeling there would be a wrinkle in the traditional Friday run with Toga at the helm. It’s not a Toga Q unless he can bark at you! Well done fellas!

  4. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    It’s obviously not much of a game when a Bama fan goes camping in the woods with his daughter on the 3rd Sat in Oct.