A PAX of six posted for #ThePunisherRVA. We went at it like so:
Startup COP with 20 x Imaginary Jumpropes, 20 x Hillbillies, 20 x Shoulder Taps, 20 x Slow Squats, and 15 x Arm Circles (forward and back, big and small).
Mosey to the front parking lot for a version of The Cooper – make a lap around the front parking circle and complete 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, and 10 Squats. Another lap, then 9 of each. And so on until 1 of each exercise is done. Pause after 8, 5, and 3 reps with LBCs until all PAX members collected. Plank at the end until all are done.
Stroll to the pavilion for rotation with one PAX member holding a Flexed Arm Hang while counting to 10. Remaining PAX completes 10 reps of whatever exercise is called by the guy holding the flex. Two rounds, hitting exercises ranging from American Hammers to Step Ups to Dips to Carolina Dry Docks.
Jog to the driveway at the northeast end of the school yard for rotating Mary on the sidewalk squares. PAX alternates Box Cutters (under to over), Flutter Kicks (two count), and Reverse Crunches – 10 reps of each. Finish a set, hop up and move to the next open square on the sidewalk and complete the next exercise in sequence. Halted at Laburnum Avenue crosswalk and returned to the Shovel Flag.
Discussion of upcoming Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads expansion. Toga (kinder, gentler version) to lead the first one on 11/5. F3 Richmond to support four of the first 6 workouts leading into December. Please message Johnsonville if you have questions (sorry Johnsonville).
Bear Creek 10 Miler in December – registration may be closed. Bear Creek 35K in January. Bel Monte in March. Anyone down for some Ragnar Relay action at Pocahontas Park in 2017? Happy 12th Birthday to Hazel Sterling on 10/17, YHC’s kid.