3 stalwarts posted on a foggy Sunday morning.
The Thang:
Nickel Bridge to Buttermilk to Belle Isle to Northbank and back to pump house.
Lots of mumble chatter about the Belmonte and Bear Creek today. Both Lab Rat and Upchuck were lamenting on how they were duped into upgrading/signing up for the respective races. YHC was trying to hammer the point home that they indeed have choice and neither of them are required to run either race or a specific distance. I am not sure that they got the point? Alternatively, maybe i missed the point and the point was that they just wanted to complain about it. Time will tell.
Upchuck and Lab Rat had a good chat going for most of the run today. YHC hung back a few yards to get a little alone time. Every once in a while they would attempt to pull me into the conversation, but I held out and missed most of the mumble chatter. Discussion continued at Ellwoods post run where we had some good second F. For a detailed discussion of the benefits and weaknesses of having the best or worst equipment for a row or a bike, see any of the PAX.
A bunch of regulars missing today. Saab is taking a well deserved break from the gloom to recover from the 100 miler. 100 miles in a 30 hours will take a toll on your body. Saab does not want to take time off, but his body is making its wishes known. Better to listen to the body now and preserve it for later rather than hurt yourself more. We miss you out here Saab, but know that it is best to mend the body first. Second regular missing today was TSB. If you want to avoid my shameless bragging about my daughter, please skip this paragraph. TSB had her second cross country meet yesterday. In her first race, she posted a 27:05 for the 5k In a short week, she shaved off over 3 minutes from her time finishing in 24:03 shattering her previous PR. Could not have been prouder as she sprinted the last 100 yards to make sure she did not lose any positions at the end. .
Enjoyed the run today gents. Good pace, good quiet time and some solid second F at Ellwoods
Way to go TSB!
The Saab will not abide! Being on the DL is highly overrated. F#$! rest. Saab will see you in the gloom as promptly as possible.
Some quiet time in the trails is nice. I’ll be back out there soon!
Great morning for the trails. Upchuck and I also ran with a deer for a couple hundred yards, and Lab Rat literally almost ran over a squirrel. I’ve had all the wildlife close encounters I care for this week.