Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

2.0 Friendly


15 strong men & boys gathered on a glorious morning for a beat down that went something like this:


COP: SSH x 25, Merkins x 10, LBC x 20, Crab Cakes x 20, Arm Circles x 15 each side, Warrior 20 seconds twice each side

Mosey to never ending bus loop

Pole Smoker Relay – grab a pole, hold six inches, guy on end performs 4 pole smokers, runs to end of line and grab next open pole

Slalom through remaining poles to end.

Blimp: 4 sets of 5 burpee broad jumps, 10 lunge strides, 15 bear crawl strides, 20 duck walk strides

Find a Restrictor Plate for Monkey Humper Escaltor: run w/ restrictor plate length of median, perform 5 monkey humpers, run back, 10 monkey humpers, repeat, increasing by 5 up to 20, then back down to 5
Restrictor Plates consisted of 2.0’s, backwards runs, bunny hops, karaoke, side shuffle

Plank-a-thon: Plank until failure – regular plank, keep both hands and bum down.

Mosey to back entrance, grab some wall for Wall Work:
Wall Planks for 60 seconds, Wall Planks for 30 seconds, Donkey Kicks x 15, Wall Walkers x 3

Circle up for some Mary: Capital Letters, Sky Thrusts (AKA ABPs), Freddy Mercuries, X’s & O’s

Mosey back to flag for 8 count Body Builder Burpees

COT: Atilla took us out.

Naked Moleskin:

YHC really enjoyed the 2.0 participation. Welcome to Master Builder & Veep who both showed extremely strong resolve to make it through the entire workout. Marv & Veep dominated the Restrictor Plate Escalator…and Veep still had energy to Wall Walk as well as anyone else. Strong work!

Cliffhanger is strong…and may be as fast as his father. Respect.

The Chicken Whisperer named his first member of the Richmond PAX (Master Builder). The success was welcomed after failing to name Minnie Mouse “Wonton” instead.

Dreamliner dominated the Plank challenge…and would probably still be planking if YHC hadn’t moved on to the next exercise

White Deer is rubbish at performing Crab Crakes…probably the worst in the RVA Pax. Check it out next time you can. Hilarious. Johnsonville, on the other hand, can rotate in a circle while Crab Caking. Respect.

– 2nd F only this Wednesday for HDHH. 5:00’ish @ Hardywood (the brewery not at Hardywood’s house).
– Hampton Roads/VA Beach launch in Nov & Dec – see Johnsonville & Dreamliner for more info – Participation encouraged


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  1. Good Q DK. Nice to get some of the 2.0’s out there. I know Cliffhanger is looking forward to coming out again.

  2. The 2.0 workout was great, DK. My boys were unavailable for this one due to soccer games, but looking forward to the next!!