4 stalwarts posted to a Wednesday evening hillrun. Weather was perfect, high sixties and sunny.
Loops on hillcrest. Pax choice on how many.
DaVinci had a tough day at school and was a little wound up when he got home. Dad had the perfect medicine for a 2nd grade boy in need of a way to expend a little energy. To the wednesday night run it was. He and his dad were moving right along around the loop. On one of the downhills, I was watching DaVinci on the downhill and he was taking two steps to my one and easily keeping pace with me.
Swirly didn’t have a difficult second grade day, but is in the middle of budget season at Woodfin. Budget season means spreadsheets and lots of meeting and sitting at the desk work. Not a good thing for Swirly. As such, he was a super excited about coming to hillcrest to expend a little energy. The hill run is the perfect remedy for a little inactivity at the office.
We played a little catch football postwar with DaVinci et all. Fun times. Come on out for a run next week. Hills are just as tough, but weather is a whole lot better.
Great run gents. Good weather and lot of energy make for a good performance on the hills.
DaVinci’s day turned around and he was up for an extra lap as well. There was talk on the way home that he might Q a spider run sometime soon.
Weather was perfect and always a good time with the pax tackling that hill.
Great run – enjoyed it fella’s !