Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

So Please, Love Me (Honey) Do


Two PAXs sallied forth in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for a Nomad-style beat down this morning. Honey Do joined YHC in the Gloom to celebrate the 54th Anniversary of the release of the Beatles “Love Me Do” to the United Kingdom pop charts.  YHC considered making the PAX repeat a single exercise ad nauseum (in line with the song), but took pity and decided variety is the spice of life for a VQ.  

The PAX met on an otherwise nondescript, open Field of Critters (FoC) complete with requisite Grassy Knoll adjacent to our lodging.  Even before the first SSH was counted, Honey Do attempted to employ his footwear-as-bludgers to ward off the resident wildlife, including frogs, ducks, birds and, as far as Honey Do knows, several alligators. With the FoC-as-AO safe for human consumption, here’s how the thang went down…

SSHs x 17 (the highest “Love Me Do” rose on the British charts)
Don Quixotes x 10 (It’s October)
Arm Circles (10 small + 5 large…hey, it’s 10/5).  Repeato reverso.
LBCs x 16 (McCartney’s age when he wrote the song)

The chatter picked up as YHC guided Honey Do through the Suburb-o-Office Plex that is Plantation.  PAX did their Daily Mile (30 days with at least 1 mile), dropping for 5 burpees per intersection (x7) on the outbound.  Turnaround point was YHC’s office, where Honey Do literally dropped to one knee in front of YHC’s window.  This prompted YHC to wonder,”Precisely what is the difference between uncontrolled genuflecting and a trip and fall?”  Recovering from a twisted ankle, Honey Do kept a stiff upper-lip as the PAX completed 10 squats per intersection on the return (x8).

On the return trip, PAX detoured into the local parking garage for a trifecta of dips and box jumps (10 of each, 15 of each, 10 of each).  Thanks to DHL for providing a picnic table for our use.

Returning to the Field of Critters, the PAX took to completing Four Corners, including 20 reps of mountain climbers (4 count), 20 LBCs (4 count), squats, and Freddy Mercuries.  Honey Do led the PAX on a bear-crawl across a deceptively long Grassy Knoll.  YHC takes his hat off to Honey Do’s continued domination of the bear crawl – get some!

No Beat Down with YHC would be complete without a lesson in road safety, so the PAX took to the hotel parking lot to practice Road Sign Recognition.  Each “No Parking Fire Lane” was worth 1 burpee; each Stop Sign required 2 ‘Mercans.  Hard to believe we cashed in 7 burpees and 16 ‘mercans in less than 75 yards.  Safety first, I guess.

The PAX finished with a short run back to the FoC for Number-rama and Name-o-Rama.  YHC took us out.

To celebrate the VQ (and putting aside Honey Do’s better judgment), the PAX each popped the top on a (warm) black cherry soda.  Mmmmm…a great reminder that YHC has no love lost for black cherry soda.

Final Note: Anyone who finds themselves in south Florida on a mid-week morning, chances are YHC will be there.  Happy to Nomad with any fellow travelers.


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  1. Nice work Upchuck. Way to appeal to the audience with a theme at the start, hey know your PAX. You were not kidding about the frogs in the field, the one I almost stepped on was bigger than my shoe. Now when will we see you on the Q sheet for RVA?

  2. You’ll see me Q’ing.

    I do worry that the frog filed suit against you in Broward County this morning. He’s represented by a snake.

    How are your wheels?

  3. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great work gent. Sounds like Wilson working out down there among the animals might be a problem….any clown sightings?

    Awesome backblast name Upchuck and you are starting to compete with Earthwork for the most intellectual BB’s I had to pull out the dictionary a couple of times.