Six regulars convened in the swampiness that was the Spider Run this morning. Route was similar to the following:
The Run
By the lake, up past the ball field, down to College, left on College, right on Lakewood, left on Westham, cross river to right on Cameron for a horseshoe loop, right on Culpeper, right on ross, down the hill and back, right on ridge then loop back by the bridge and down the access road to the start.
Summer was back this AM and it felt like it. Marv & Sippy came barreling down the road with plenty of time to spare. Marv disappeared then reappeared a few minutes later a new man and ready to roll.
Great to see Bleeder back at Spider Run again. Clearly he crushed it as he was holding up a brick wall when YHC returned.
TYA almost got EH’d by some tomatoes while running down near the bridge. Perhaps if you stuck with the rainbow warrior hat you may have been accepted?
As the PAX convened for some post run commentary on last evening’s festivities our favorite “for pay” bootcamp leaders were counting off the position of workout participants as they crossed the finish line. TYA artfully announced a core F3 mantra: “It’s you against you”. Well said TYA.
– Virginia Beach expansion starting the first Saturday in November. Clown car from RVA to Mt Trashmore for 6 saturdays in a row. No word yet if Wilson will be in said clown car.
– HDHH at Crossroads Wednesday night. See Hardywood for details
– Convergence Saturday 10/8, 6:00am @ Dogpile
Great day for a run, Felt more like me against a brick wall today, I’m sure that’s what TYA meant, Thanks to Splinter and Swirly for swinging back to me.
Splinter, thanks for the run. Really enjoyed the route. I think the tomatoes were disappointed when they found out I wasn’t “roger”.
U vs u baby
Enjoyed it fella’s – great route Splinter!
See y’all in the gloom…