Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The pax made a showing for early signs of fall on the trails


14 pax plus an FNG (Ely) showed up for what was easily the largest trail group that YHC has been a part of.  Plan was for Lab Rat to go deep, taking the distance pax up to Forest Hill Loop, and Johnsonville taking the shallow route, with an out and back to Reedy Creek parking lot.  Individual mileages will vary wildly this morning, but YHC’s watch clicked off 7.8 miles.  Saab ran a bit extra for his preparations for Cloud Splitter 100M next weekend, and probably finished up between 11 and 12 miles.  Shorter routes should have been around the 4 mile distance.

The pax was large this morning, and with the shorter leg option more spread out than the norm…this is awesome, but makes it a tough task to write a backblast, since YHC was only with a couple guys for the majority of the run.  So instead of making this an entertaining BB, YHC will just say this:  Johnsonville’s idea of having a shorter run option has shown to have legs, and hopefully will be well utilized in the future by pax members who don’t want to be out for an hour and a half on a Sunday morning.

A quick word on FNG Ely:  he had a stumble and twisted his ankle on the run, so had to cut it off early.  Hopefully it was a minor thing and he will be out to join us again soon.  The decision was made to wait until he has a good outing to drop a name on him.  TSB noted however that he has a propensity to get injured often, so some thoughts on names were:  Masochist, Bubble Boy, or RG3.

Great job to all this morning, YHC hopes that the large groups will continue.


Lab Rat out.


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Great job by all that posted this morning! A beautiful day to be out on the trails.

    -Welcome Ely! I hope that you are feeling better, and that you will join us again soon.

    -Saab: Best of luck at Cloud Splitter! PLEASE be safe and bring us back a great story! We are all pulling for you, brother!

  2. Great run today, excellent idea for the shorter option. Cliff hanger had fun on his longest run ever and is ready to come back for more.

  3. I greatly appreciate all the well-wishes for the C/S guys. I’ll do my best not to screw it up. Look forward to getting back to regular trail runs with the PAX.