Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Old Glory Flies again at #NoToll


Nine of the faithful posted on a dark, damp morning at #NoToll, following a hard rain the day before. Johnsonville unfurled The Stars and Stripes and told the pax that they could put away their gloves. The PAX initially responded with delight until it became clear why the SF was in hand rather than planted over by this basketball court. At 0530, the PAX mosied to the soccer field complex and, without pause, ran 2 loops around it (~ 1 mi.) with Old Glory leading the way.

Upon completion, Hardywood planted the shovel flag, and the PAX planked while YHC explained how Old Glory would go from there, viz. for 22 minutes, the each member of the pax would continue to run counterclockwise around the soccer complex stopping at each corner to perform the appointed exercises. The pax would continue without stopping until YHC instructed otherwise. The exercises were as follows: corner 1 — 20 merkins; corner 2 — 20 jump squats; corner 3 — 10 burpees; and corner 4 — 20 WWII situps.

From plank, YHC instructed the PAX to begin. Rosie and Hardywood took an immediate lead and did not relinquish that lead. Behind them were Gumbo, YHC, Doner Kebab, and EF Hutton. Others followed in groupings unknown to YHC.

At the end of the 22 minutes, YHC called “time,” the PAX returned to the SF. YHC grabbed the SF and commenced the final 2 laps around the soccer complex, several members of the PAX taking turns carrying Old Glory. YHC is not able to catalog all of the SF carriers because YHC was dragging a** at that point.

COT with YHC taking us out.


There was not a lot of mumble chatter in the field this morning, but good fellowship followed the COT. Results were: Flipper 3.5; Rosie 4.5 (!); Mr. Roper 3.5; Gumbo 4.0; Hardywood 4.5 (!); Doner Kebab 3.75; EF Hutton 3.75; Viral 3.0; and YHC 4.0. Hardywood and Mr. Roper were Old Glory virgins until this morning. Both showed considerable strength. Great job, men!

I apologize for running a few minutes over this morning. For future reference, 21 minutes is probably the limit for a weekday Old Glory.


~ New Mechanicsville AO kicking off this Friday at 0530. New Highland Baptist Church on New Ashcake Rd. (Abacus is leading; preblast ??)
~ Spartan Run this weekend (talk to Toga or BT for details).
~ Signup soon if interested in Bear Creek 10 miler on 12/4.
~ Wednesday HH Next Week: At the Crossroads post-workout at Batteau (see preblast).
~ 10/1 Rugged Maniac, see EF Hutton.
~ 10/8 Shane’s Shuffle 5K October 8 at 8:30. (talk to Anchovy for details)
~ 11/5 launch F3Tidewater at Mount Trashmore in VA Beach. Preblast to come.
~ Monday #RiverRun is not a run anymore (see preblast).
~ Sunday Trail Run is adding a short option for any and all fitness levels.


Mark 9:35: “And he sat down, and called the twelve, and said to them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.”


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  1. Great call Jville. It was a great morning to fly Old Glory and always good to take stock of our progress. A fine punctuation to a Summer of hard work at NoToll.

    Strong work today by all, especially Hardwood and Rosie – beasts.

    See ya’ll in the gloom.

  2. I’m looking forward to performing Old Glory in little-to-no humidity, which was not the case this morning. Good work, guys. TClaps to Rosie & Hardywood

  3. Good idea breaking this out again Jville, always great fun. EF Hutton called it as you pulled into the parking lot. Thanks to Hardywood for pulling me through an extra station this morning. It’s you against you but having the group out there to help push yourself is what F3 is about.

  4. I think I did an Old Glory before but I was so new I’m not even sure that’s what it was called. And I only completed about 2 rounds. So to knock out 3.5 and being in the midst of the burpees to finish 3.75 so close. Thanks for sticking with me this morning Mr. Roper… Two is Company…. Huge gains from F3. Thanks for making me push myself…that really is as fast as I can run Ha! Hated it and loved it all at the same time… Couldn’t stop thinking about the Toga induced leg fatigue from the million lunge march yesterday.