Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You Want Some Of This


20 brave and fearless men arrived ready for success at this Labor Day 2016 convergence.  On this very special day F3 Richmond completed the Hot Potato Q.

COP (Swirly) – SSH, Arm Circles,Don Quixote Homage to Abe Vigoda,  Alabama Prom Dates, Flutter Kicks

Polar Bear Hurt Locker (Swirly) – Starting at the end of the paved section of the Carillon, begin a Polar Bear all the way to and up the stairs.  Complete a Russian solider across the top and Imperial Walker back down the steps.  Polar Bear Back to start.

Valley Of Doubt (Saab) – Perform a modified Jacobs Ladder with the following.  Start in the center of the Valley, at which point you hit an incline bear crawl to top and perform 1 merkin.  Bear Crawl back down and perfrom 1 burpee.  Run to next hill, bear crawl at the incline and perform 2 merkins at the top.  Bear Crawl back to center and perform 2 burpees, etc to 5 burpees.

Does My Butt Look Big In These Jeans (TYA) – Start at the bottom of the amphitheater and perform 1 incline merkin at the first step.  Complete 2 at the next step, etc. to the top of the 18th step.  Once at the top perform 18 squats on the top step, 17 on the next step, etc. to completion.

You Do Not Have Michelle Obama Arms (Blue Balls) – Divide into 3 groups and make a vertical line with all men in the plank formation.  Last man bear crawls to the front, with the next last man following him.  Perform this modified Indigenous Persons Run to some tree that was way the hell far away.  Once at that tree, turn around and head back to the starting pole this time with a Crab Walk Indigenous Persons Run.

Fourtastic (Rosie) – In the Carillon Field perform 10 burpees at the first corner, run like hell to the next corner and perfrom 20 merkins, keep going to the next corner for a fun round of 30 squat jumps and wrap up this success square by running to the final corner and completing 40 flutter kicks.

Indigenous Persons Run (Gumbo) – Divide into two teams and perform this exercise back to the flag.  Bonus points for burpee before it was your turn to run.

Merkin Mary – Circle up for a little Mary Merkin action.  Each man holds a plank with one lucky fella completing 10 burpees.  Perform this insanity until all 20 men have completed their merkins.

COT – Numberama, namerama, Viral lead us out.


Fact – Labor Day is not a holiday for women who have given birth.  So if you think that telling your M that Labor Day is just another reason to celebrate her, you will not get any extra points.

Great job today fellas!  Excellent to see the great team work and the absolute domination of Merkins at the end.

It’s an honor and a privilege to be associated with this fine group of men.  It is your job and only your job to make your week great.






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  1. Great job, Q’s! Total smoke fest. Hated to miss ET’s this morning, but mamma left me a surprise text for when I got to the rat mobile.

    Also, if Toga asks, I wrote the back blast.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great job guys – way to work Thanks Hardywood for writing up the BB!
    3 days to the BRR !!! Almost game time fellas …..
    See y’all in the gloom.

  3. Great Q all around, fellas. We crushed it, especially Blue Balls’ attempt to drown us in wet semi-cut grass (still pulling that stuff out of…wherever). Nice teamwork on the crawls!

  4. Loved the hot potato Q! Finish your Labor Day holiday strong and take a long walk with the family!

  5. Thanks for writing the BB Hardy Rat!

    Good work on the hot potato, legs and arms are feeling it tonight!!

    What exactly is a “surprise text” @Lab Rat?

  6. I guess we are not bear crawling enough… Duly noted… Strong strong work fellas… Sorta makes me feel bad for sleeping in at the lake this morning…ha not really but great job anyway

  7. Sorry for the mixup, Viral…it definitely was not a “booty call”.

    It was more along the lines of “get your ass home so I can go work out”. Ahhh, the life of a dad.

  8. I get those same booty call texts!

    Mine go like this Lab Rat:

    “Get yo booty home so I can get away from the kids!!!!”