15 RVA F3’ers and 1 Nashville rep. made their way to WDog for a Hump Day leg stretcher. Lab Rat planted the shovelflag and took the Q. Lots of stuff to get in and only 45 minutes to do it, so let’s get to work:
- SSH IC X30
- Ball Dippers IC X20
- Don Quixote IC X15
- Arm Circles IC X10 little X5 big, Reverso
Sit OutsBreak Dancers IC X15- Crab Cakes IC X20
- per request of EF Hutton, Richard Kimbles OYO X10
- Love Hill- partner up, one man runs to the gate, the other excersizes downhill until runner tags in (you all know the drill by now). Excersizes performed: Lunges (deep, ladies), broad jump burpees, inchworms. When both members of team converge at gate, plank up and wait for six.
- Rusty Cage- 2 minutes at the pull up bars, get in AMRAP in time alloted. No guidance from Q, do them with or without partners, just bang ’em out.
- 11’s- In amphitheater, run up to top for Freddie Mercuries, to the bottom for American Hammers. Go until time runs out.
- Wow, so much to cover this morning! First off, great job to entire pax this morning for pushing thru an action packed workout! The Sugar Rays will always be the lead guys, but the six is much closer to them than it used to be. This is truly what pushing each other is all about.
- Also, Old Toga is in full swing. Thank the gods. YHC worries about lack of mumble chatter when he has the Q. Thankfully, Old Toga and TYA are there to fill the void.
- Speaking of mumblechatter, you would have thought there was a mime on stage at the Apollo with all the groans that were heard when Q changed the cadence. The pax were not fans….plan on seeing that again in the near future. Hint: Slow SSH’s suck.
- Love Hill was friggin’ dark. Anybody else run smack into that big-ass branch at the bottom?
- Probably the easiest EH in history this morning by Saab, BT, and Lab Rat. When the excited guy comes up and asks, “what group is this?!” BAM, see you Saturday.
- YHC is always giddy with excitement when visitors come out to WDog/Dogpile. We get to show off our crown jewel AO! So glad to have you this morning, Mighty Stork! You repped your pax well this morning. Seriously, tell Chesney he is missed and we hope he is doing well back home. You are welcome back any time, sorry we didnt get to pull you in to some 2nd F this evening.
- Everyone please thank Hardywood for choosing the winding-death-path of rock-steps on the way to rusty cage this morning. You know it’s dark, right?
- Also, speaking of “rusty cage” HoneyDo called pull up bars this during Grunge workout Saturday. Lab Rat thinks it should stick.
- What else?
- BRR trunk slamming in 8 days.
- ReeseStrong immediately following the weekend of BRR. F3 Richmond team is tied for first….are you kidding me? Sign up! 5K “the hard way” is an option. Winner gets prize. https://runsignup.com/RaceGroups/4045/Groups/284254
- Hills Run followed by dinner and a movie, casa de TYA. Run stats at 5:30 pm? Or do like Lab Rat and show up after the run for beers and BBQ.
- Thoughts and prayers for long time client of Hardywood who sadly lost his fight with PTSD and took his life this week. Another needless loss of a true American Warrior.
Lab Rat out.
Side note/Senseless brag: Lab Rat met a fitness goal he set for himself a while back this morning. A true testament to posting to the group and working hard to meet small goals that most men our age dont get to enjoy. Thanks for the shoves!
Well done Labrat – solid BB & Q !
Great work this morning fella’s – see ya’ll this evening..
Well done Lab Rat! Great Q. 11s in the theater were an awesome way to end it. I appreciate the kind words. Be sure to extend an open hand and an open heart to your brothers.
Kudos on meeting your goal Lab Rat. Exhaustive Q today did not disappoint. It was also an added treat to see Michael Flatley appear during COP and perform his Riverdance.
Great q lab rat. The cadence changes are really hard for me. It has literally taken me two year to be able to come close to doing a proper ssh. The cadence change will set me back six months…not because they are difficult to do, but because they require additional coordination that I don’t possess.
I think I must be the only one who has no clue who Michael flatly is… Must be something that happened in last 30 years
Ok, spill it, what was the goal
A new clogging step I’ve been working on, it’s very fancy.
And 10 pull ups.
Wait….for the pull ups or the dance move?
Fun as always NOT, those 11s fired my grits. Also beach season is over so the American gannets are no longer needed!!
Hammers!!! I hate auto spell