Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Your Monkey Humper Form Needs Some Work


7 strong posted to get the working week started right.  It was clear and cool, with almost no remnants of the humidity that suffocated the PAX on the trail run the day before.


COP: Willie Mays Hayes IC x20, Good Mornings(?) IC x20, Richard Kimbles x10 OYO, Carolina Dry Docks x20 IC

Mosey to the pavilion for 15 minute AMLAP: Box-jump burpees (jump on picnic table seat) x10, bear crawl to shed, penguins x15 each side, run to basketball court, monkey humpers x30, run back to pavilion.  The PAX completed 4 laps.

Mosey to the northwest corner.  Partner derkins x15 each.  Run to southwest, southeast, northeast corners, completing a round of partner derkins at each.  Goldberg gave us a 10 count.

Mosey to the front of the school for Mary.  Spatula/Superman, American Hammers IC x20, Freddie Mercuries IC x20, LBCs IC x20.  Mosey back to the flag for COT.


YHC had three workouts planned, depending on whether 1, 2-6, or >6 PAX showed.  Glad to have 7. The theme was to share some of the exercises YHC learned in travels over the summer.  Willie Mays Hayes and Spatula/Superman were from F3 Chapel Hill, AMLAP was from F3 Apex, partner derkins from F3 Cary, box jump burpees from peeking in on a personal training session in Bethesda, and monkey humpers from the monkees and gorillas at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Honeydo noted it was a difficult day to forget gloves with the box jump burpees in the gravel.   YHC was helped by callouses developed during Polar Bear Crawls with Swirly last Thursday back when he did remember his gloves.

Glad to have Pat Down back out for another of YHC’s Qs – so it can’t be too bad.  Glad to have Splinter, Chum, and Bleeder back in town after recent trips.

Announcements: Wear your flannel shirts for Dogpile.  There were rumors of DK’s first hate-free workout (tomorrow?).  Goldberg’s brother-in-law is moving to RVA and will be looking for automotive/construction work.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done guys !
    See y’all in the gloom..
    Goldberg – does your brother in law have experience with small engine repair ? If so let me know – we have need for Generator techs in our Electrical Dept.

  2. Glad to get back into the gloom after vacation. I liked those Plerkins, will be stealing that for a future Q.