Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Slightly South of Broad


16 Runners and 2 Bikers showed up to cover some miles.  Relatively cool and slightly misty weather was a welcome relief to the heat and humidity of recent days.

The Thang:
East on Grove to Malvern.  North on Malvern to Broad.  West on Broad and take a left on Willow Lawn Drive.

4 milers come back on Monument to Commonwealth.  5 and 6 milers continue on to Patterson west bound and 5s take Granite to Grove and 6s take Maple to Grove to come home.  6s finish up with a victory lap around the school for precise mileage.

YHC took us out.

YHC wanted to go into new uncharted territory this morning and Broad Street did not disappoint.  Bright lights and early morning bus commuters in contrast to the somewhat desolate roads we normally traverse offered some degree of liveliness.

It was a pleasure running some with TYA and Wilson.  After passing many shop windows on Broad St, I believe YHC uncovered another of Wilson’s phobias perhaps originating from the not-so-classic movie Mannequin.

Lifoing Fudd and Circle K swear they had an Oyster citing as they were catching up to the Pax.  Perhaps they startled an unaware neighbor out for a morning run.  Oyster, were you out there?


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  1. Honey Do RVA on

    Enjoyed running with Lab Rat and getting to know Back Bay, even if he is a Hokie.

  2. I enjoyed the new route. Yeah that mannequin made a move for me! lol Thanks for running with me Lockjaw!

  3. Route was a nice change up. Got yelled at by a driver who apparently was not accustom to people running on that section of Broad St…(unless they are running from something of course).

  4. Always a pleasure getting in some Honeydo time! Glad to catch up with Back Bay, a solid addition to the pax.