West met East at the GridIron where four of the Faithful, three from the RVA and one from Kernersville, gathered to meet a challenge that included the following:
Welcome and Disclaimer
x25 SSHs IC
x10 8 Count BodyBuilders PanPaxC
x25 DQs IC
x25 Seal Jacks IC
x25 Leg Lifts with HTH OYO
x10 Slow Deep Squats with Knee Out Presses OYO
x10 Curtsey Lunges IC
The 300:
x25 V Ups and Jump Rope
x50 KBell Snatches (x25 R and x25 L)
x25 Merkins and Jump Rope
x50 KBell Swings (x25 R and x25 L)
x50 Air Squats and Jump Rope
x50 KBell Cleans and Presses (x25 R and x25 L)
x50 Mountain Climbers and Jump Rope
Merkin Sequence:
x10 KBell Merkins
x10 Medicine Ball Rolling Merkins
x10 Dumbell Merkins
x10 MB Rolling Merkins
Tabata Dips and raised shoulder alternating single leg hip thrusts
MB Chest Passes
Seated MB Overhead Presses AMRAP
x20 KBell Halos
MB Chest Passes
x20 KBell Roundabouts
MB Back to Back Transfers
MB Rock and Roll Squats
Side Line to Side Line KBell Farmer’s Carries and Lunges, Bear Crawls and Lunges
Countarama and Numberama
Prayer concerns, spoken and unspoken.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication.
Coffeeteria at Einsteins
Warm welcome (homecoming) to Epstein, formerly of RVA (Freeman grad) and now residing south of the border. Strong posting for a KBell Virgin – rookie to veteran in about 18 minutes. Epstein’s bringing back to K’Ville best regards to Jordache and others who have posted to the GridIron.
Attila found his groove with the newly introduced MB Rock and Roll Squat – so much that the Pax detected a smile that replaced the more commonly observed yawn.
Some relief from angry Johnsonville’s Q last week and his affection for running generally – we planted the Virtual ShovelFlag at the Pavillion and kept the AO tight with a 75 yard radius. White Deer appreciated the gesture so much he agreed to Q the Circus Maximus on Thursday.
The debut of the 300 was well-received and provided a good test for the Pax – repeats coming so keep your KBells in your cars. Add a MB and jump rope too.
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the LORD.
Isaiah 31:1
Sounds like it was a good beat down. Need to get back to double dipping.
It was a pleasure working with you gents, it’s always awesome to freshen things up with F3 Brothers at another AO! God Bless until next time!