Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Post-Fireworks Smolder


10 Brothers gathered in the humidity to prove there were still some fireworks to light.


The Thang:




  • SSH IC X 30
  • Front Arm Circles IC X 10 little X 5 big, Reverso
  • ATMs – In plank, Alternating Shoulder Taps IC X 15; Tempo Merkins IC X 10; 10 fast Merkins OYO
  • American Hammer IC x 20
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 20


Doracides (with partner)


  • One Pax does three-point suicides on the basketball court with 1, 2, then 3 burpees on the last stretch
  • Meanwhile partner Pax works through Squat X 100, LBC X 200, SSH X 300


Ring of Fire

  • All Pax in a circle, hold People Chair
  • One Pax does 10 Werkins and then holds Six-Inches, then next Pax does Werkins until all Pax in circle are doing Six-Inches
  • Then one Pax does 10 Reverse Crunches followed by People Chair, around the circle
  • Final round is 10 Mexican Jumping Bean Squats followed by Six-Inches


Indian Run around all three schools and then back to flag



  • Superman
  • Flutterkicks




BOM – The Carpenter took us out.




After a drenching couple of days, this morning felt like the muggy July it is supposed to be in DaVille. Lab Rat brought the shovelflag for YHC to plant. Grabber biked in as others arrived. Emoji woke us all up with his inspirational attitude and international orange shirt.


The Pax seemed to breeze through the COP, even the ATM pusharama. This impressed YHC considering the brutal upper body beatdowns of late. Mumblechatter picked up at Doracides with a mix of groans and encouragement. Lab Rat and Stewardess engaged in a military style domestic dispute throughout the morning. The result was clearly positive motivation as Stewardess put on the afterburners during suicides. Considering Stewardess’s determined and less-than-pleased game face, YHC was grateful he was not in the cockpit of an F-22. The ROF elicited more groans, but all pushed through the challenge. TYA muscled through some straight-legged reverse crunches. The PAX must have appeared a proud, if ragged, team cruising through the Indian Run home. During Superman, Lab Rat reminded us that together we could all be the Greatest American Hero.



Emoji shared that his bride is battling breast cancer. She has a crackerjack medical team and social support. They are poised to overcome this. He asks for thoughts and prayers. We are with you for anything you need, brother.


Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing group of men.




Blue Balls


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Lab Rat posted up for BB, who delivered a flawless beatdown today for his VQ. Watch out for this guy, RVA, he knows what’s going on. I look forward to many more BB Q’s, although tomorrow is a rest day…..thankfully.

    The new guys are bringing it! Between the rock party yesterday (Hardywood) and the full body workover today (BB), I am toast. Well done.

  2. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great Q BB. Epic beatdown with a new exercise (ATM), the longest Native American run ever, and another 300 side straddle hops just to make sure I can do them properly now.

    Emoji, thoughts and prayers with you. Just know you have the support of the whole F3 pax behind you and your family. As I said in the cot, don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us!

  3. Sorry to have missed the VQ BB. Looked like a hell of a beatdown. Can’t wait for the next Q. Will be back at DaVille next week.

    Emoji, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. F3 RVA is willing and able to help in any way possible if needed.

  4. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    Well done, fellas. Looks like I’m missing out with DaVille, will fix that directly. Emoji, I can relate. Let’s talk soon.