Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pack of Wild Dogs!


8 strong and faithful posted this morning @ Batteua and here id how it went down..

Warm ups: SSH, Helicopters, Windmills, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s.

Park Benches : 10 dips 10 incline merkins on benches = 5 sets.

Down the steps : 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 WW11 situps – mossy – 20 merkins 20 workins – Run  up the Hill – 20 LBC’s  – 20 APD’s .

Curb Crawl :  Bear crawl – incline merkin, crawl bear decline merkin – 1-5 and back down to 1.

Tennis courts : Bear crawl from net to fence – 10 donkey kicks bear crawl back – lunge to fence – WW11 situps lunge back – Russian Solder to fence – box cutters Russian Solder back. Suicides across the court once forward once backward.

Triple Check : Run up steps to the top of the hill – merkins – Dips – repeat 3 times

Mary : cross leg lifts 10 each leg – Rosalitas, LBC’s – Ring of Fire : 2 sets – 10 merkins holding plank.

As the pax arrived in the gloom and began to gather- loud barking erupted from the woods  as Last Time and Ice Dancer were getting out of their vehicles.. What looked like to be wild dogs must have been tied up to a tree because they did not give chase thankfully… That certainly got everyone’s heart pumping though…. A beautiful morning at Forest Hill Park and a great way to start the week. The pax pushed hard with little mumble chatter and no breaks cause this is a Swirly Q :).. Toga played official time keeper this morning and tried to fool YHC during the triple check so we could cut it short but thought better of it knowing deep down that once YHC saw that we indeed did have more time – it would get a lot worse and all hell would break loose – wise choice Toga! Great to have Ice Dancer join us again we have not seen him in awhile – come on  back anytime man..

If you have not made it out to Batteua @ Forest Hill park yet I would highly encourage you to do so – what a beautiful AO – much like Dogpile.. Three workout’s to choose from tomorrow so hit one – you will be glad you did!!

A pleasure to lead this morning fella’s – see y’all in the gloom.

Announcements : Spartan Race – interested see Toga. – Reminder we have an F3RVA Linkedin page – get connected if you are not already. BRR – 73 days and counting !!


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  1. Man, this new world Toga thing is a drag. First, he’s nice to you, then he starts shaving time? Bring back old Toga!!! I blame Fudd.

  2. Nice work men. Sounds like a typically brutal Swirly Q.

    Glad to see Kevin Bacon back out again for his 3rd posting.