Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Sunday morning parenting lessons


8 faithful and one Sunday run new guy (Blue Balls) posted for a Sunday morning run. Weather was 70 and sunny (with a touch of humidity).

The Thang:

Northside to Belle Isle, loop around top of Belle Isle, Southside to Buttermilk and back to the parking lot (Saab took a loop around Forrest Hill Park as well). Mileage somewhere between 8 and 9 miles (different GPS options had different numbers.)


ET continues to be the place for a little 2nd F after the workouts. Aisle 5 was giving some detailed parenting lessons learned at today’s session. Key messages taken away from the discussion: How to deal with a very headstrong 2 year old, and how to motivate a not so motivated youngster. Ask Aisle 5 for details around the lessons he learned and the approaches he tried. All are funny and insightful. Also spoken of at ET’s was the various kinds of trans fats, Bojangles receipts being taped to Aisle 5’s steering wheel and dashboard, TSB’s reading habits, and Wilson’s quest for a new place to live,

Saab is almost officially going to declare that he might, possibly, be doing an endurance event after the BRR this year. In my mind, he has done enough to prepare that if he does not do an endurance event, he has put in a ton of work to prepare for nothing. Dude is a beast…27 yesterday and 11+ today. Thats a months worth for most people….but then again, Saab is not most people (maybe he can share some of his miles with a tapering LockJaw).

Saab had some company at the front of the pack today with Toga and Blue Balls (and sometimes Conspiracy). Lab Rat led the middle of the pack with TSB on his heels most of the way. TYA, Wilson and Aisle 5 made sure everyone made it back in safe.

Time to BRR is dwindling. Get out there and run a few Sunday’s to prep.



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great run today. Good lesson for me, felt terrible at mile 2-3 and terrific at mile 7, 8+. You never know how the body is going to react. Enjoyed the company and the 2nd F.

  2. Felt great today! Thanks to TYA for keeping his ailments to himself as they tend to transfer to me on occasion! LOL

    2nd F was one of the best. Not only hearing Aisle 5 but watching TYA laugh so hard! His laughter was infectious! I smiled most of the way home. Great time and look forward to next Sunday!

  3. As always, the company was great. The Sunday trail run, along with F3 in general, has made a huge difference with me – both physically and mentally. Aisle 5 was on fire today.

    I hope Toga made it back well, and within his time constraints (my directions typically suck so who knows where he wound up).

    Leave it to TYA to further inspire me and goad me into finally making a commitment…now officially registered for the Cloudsplitter – make or break.

    Saab abides

  4. Great work gentlemen, and sorry to have missed it. I’ve been off/grumpy all day as a result!

  5. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    There was a noticeable void without you there. Was wondering where yo were

  6. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great job fella’s way to work ! Cloudsplitter – Here comes Sabb from F3RVA and he’s going to kick your ass !!