Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pre-Blast: New AO on Monday 6/20 in Forest Hill


We will have a new AO starting on Monday June 20th at 5:30am.  The location is Forest Hill Park, a Richmond landmark for decades.  This is some of the most beautiful and challenging terrain in all of RVA.

Flags will be planted near the Stone House for the meeting location.

The name for the AO approved by corporate is Batteau.  For a story behind the name selection that is long, boring and only partially confirmed, please see Hardywood.

See you in the gloom fellas.



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Way to go Hardywood. Story is not boring at sll. We should all aspire to the principals of a batteau

  2. Batteau has been added to the schedule on the app. If corporate could review and advise if any new AO’s are missing, that would be GREAT! Hard to keep track of the growth of RVA F3!

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Awesome- thanks Wilson – DK will get it up on the Q sheet as well…