Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tennis Anyone?


5 faithful posted to Source of Truth and 13 to WDog on this fine June morning. Weather took a turn for the better, 62 degrees and low humidity. Nice change from the last few humid mornings

The Thang:

Source of Truth. Mosey to front of School for COP. Disclaimer, SSH x 20, LBC x4 0, Merkins x 15, Imperial Walkers x 20, Arm circles x 15 each way. Mosey to bus loop. Curb crawls up to 8, repeat 8 and back down to one. Take a lap around the bus loop. Mosey to the tennis courts. 11’s with a twist. Bear crawl two tennis courts: 1x monkey humpers, 10x carolina dry docks, crab walk two tennis courts, 2 x monkey humpers 9 x carolina dry docks. Repeato until up to 10 monkey humpers. Mosey to end line of tennis courts. Tracers down the court, regular suicide across all 4 courts, tracers down the court, Suicide forward and backwards, tracer down the court. Mosey to far side of courts. Escalating ring of fire with Merkins. 5 minutes of mary. 20 x Rosalitas, 20 x Box Cutters, 20 x American Hammers, 40 x LBC’s. Mosey to Shovel Flag. COT by Lugnut and out into the day.

WDog. Mosey to COP 25X SSH,12X Merkins, 35X LBC, 25X Don Quixote, 15X2 Arm Circles, Mosey toward tennis Courts, 10x Burpees OYO, Get to Tennis courts, Do some Lines, Do a Beast 36X Merkins, 36X Knee Bends, 36X Flutter Kicks, 36X Box Cutter, 36X Werkins, 36X LBC’s, 50% speed down and back, Lunges down, Suicide. Mosey back to Flag, Stop do 10 Burpees, At the Flag, Six minutes of Mary, 25X Alabama Prom Dates, 20X rosalitas, Finishing with 2 minute Superman. COT by a polite and courteous Toga.


TYA Reported that thanks to Swirly’s early morning Recon of SOT, No Seal Team members were sighted. The 11’s at SOT were quite a crowd pleaser. YHC was playing to his strengths doing bear crawls and crab walks. Lugnut and Gumbo, however, were not enamored with my choice of exercises. It was awesome watching them try to crab walk, crab roll (Lugnut recommends against this as it causes dizziness after a few rolls), walk, and anything other crab walk across the courts. One of the variations was called an imitation crab sushi roll – don’t know what that is, see Lugnut for a full description.

A bit of conversation post workout at SOT about the BRR. Lugnut is still trying vigorously to extract himself from the commitment to the run. He asks me everytime if we have 21 guys, when I answer yes, he follows up with “Does that include me?”. I once again assured Lug that the highlight of the BRR is not the running, but the fellowship before, during and after the race.

Bleeder arrived early to the AO, to confer with Swirly, The Leg stability was being challenged this morning. Several PAX members were wondering when the leg was going to buckle. Bleeder managed to make it through with very limited modifications. #NeversayDie.

Welcome to Chip,Jim,& Tim( One person – WDog Q ears were functioning as well as his Knee) with the naming audible called, a little post-COT confab, his name will be Flounder, Henceforth, The Knights who say NEE proclaim that UpChucking Tim, Who was formally called Chip during most of the workout and happened to be briefly called Jim, as Honey DO Corrected, Shall Now be Called FLOUNDER. (SIDE NOTE — Please chop down a tree in Fudd’s Backyard with a HERRING.) Sorry, could not figure how to add a Goonies reference with out upchucking all over Ellewood’s and ruining Bleeder’s pants; although Monty Python references are always the Holy Grail.

On another note, after TYA’s rant about how irritating men wearing Salmon colored pants are, Bleeder posted to Ellwood Thompson’s this morning to write the backblast in his nicest pair of Salmon colored pants. Never wanted to punch Bleeder more. And BTW Honeydo, I am happy to talk about my drone with anyone who is wearing Salmon colored pants.


Next Wednesday at 530 (?) Flashdance has arranged a HDHH workout and Beer event starting at Brown’s Island and ending at Seven Hills Brewery. The PAX at SOT wanted to make sure that there are not seven hills between Brown’s Island and the Brewery. Answer to that question might impact attendance.


Spartan Race Wintergreen 9/24 see Toga to join the F3 Team

Hardywood announced a new AO is coming in Forest Hill. Look for more info coming soon


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Now I wanna punch the dude in the photo as well. Dude has Salmon pants and no socks. What a dick.

  2. Great work today fellas! Welcome, Flounder!

    Salmon Pants only came into style during the preppy UVA era of the 1980’s, TYA ’70’s fashion has trouble comprehending “modern” fashion. #BlackSpandexRules.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great work today guys see y’all @ Hillcrest this afternoon..
    Hey TYA – just saw Bleeder – I think those pants are more of a rustic red….
    Welcome Chip er Time er Jim er (Flounder)!

  4. I Love Crab, I do not love crabwalking. The tennis ball was a nice addition to the workout. I should have let Gumbo throw out the first pitch since I have very little chance of hitting anything with my arm. Not to say I was trying to pick off the Q, but I might have been. Good work!

  5. Imitation Crab Roll will be formalized into an F3 exercise forthwith. I thought Lug Nut’s pitch was an effort to suggest an audible to some form of upright ambulatory motion – needed to be a little more high and tight to get the point across. Great work this morning gents. The curb crawls gassed me from the get go.


  6. Honey Do RVA on

    Bear crawl and crab walk 11s, looks like I chose wisely with WDog. Still need to get in a TYA beatdown some day this week, no offense bleeder.

  7. Döner Kebab on

    I’m with Honey Do…glad I took a Rt instead of a Lt @ Salisbury Rd.
    Welcome, Flounder!

  8. I’m still trying to get the image of DKs Chippendale / Dale Earnhardt combination reference out of my head.

    Welcome Chip!

  9. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    I’m really enjoying catching up on everything I missed, so much so that I just went and put on my salmon colored pants. Sounds like the hostile takeover has been a hit. Well done, boys.