Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pre-Blast: Brown’s Island Festival


When: Next Wed the 15th  starts 530-615pm than happy hour will start after the COT

Where: Brown’s Island for 38 minutes of fun than a Run to 7 hills brewery.

What to bring: FNGs and form of payment for some brews, we will be outside but will have a server.

Notes: Bleeder can you bring your F3 shovel flag?  Also I have informed the brewery of 20-35 very stinky men will be showing up for some beverages. And they replied we are welcomed to show up as is!!!

TYA; Can you please bring your drone with a Go Pro attached?


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  1. Que mas dinero necessita?

    (I’ll be there. Shopping for salmon-colored running shorts as we speak.)