Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Of course we’re going up that hill


8 RVA regulars and 1 FNG planted 5 shovelflags and got their Memorial Day started off right with a special Punisher at Belle Isle. 70 degrees and humid at the start with the bounty of a wide open new AO to break in. Here is how it went down:

Honeydo Q –
Mosey to Browns Island – Disclaimer. 25 SSH, 20 Merkins, 20 Freddy Mercurys, 20 Don Qs, Arm Circles – forward & back. Mosey to bridge steps.

5 Derkins each step up the bridge steps. Plank at top. Mosey across footbridge to fountain:

Donkeykicks on the fountain, bear crawl across street to Curb for 5 Merkins, BC back. Start with 10 Donkeykicsk, increase by 10 up to 40.

Mosey to street – 1 Burpee per tree to end of road. Mosey to Belle Isle bridge. Cross bridge but Bear Crawl every other hill section. Reach Belle Isle – handoff Q to Lab Rat

A very special triple check – Pair up in groups of 3. Squats, Ball Dippers, while one group carried conveniently placed log. Repeato for 15 min, switch to Hells to Heaven & Flutterkicks.

Split up into fours for Log Assisted Sit Ups- fun!

Handoff Q to Toga – 5 Burpees bottom bridge, 10 at top. Mosey across bridge. American Hammers on other end of bridge. Finish up the hill to Virginia War Memorial – Silent BOM at Memorial. Mosey back to flags for Nameorama and COT.

YHC, Lab Rat, and Hardywood cooked up the AO change at coffee after Dogpile on Saturday. YHC was glad to see 9 strong post. Waiting to start LabRat and YHC discussed the hot potato Q options and determined crossing over to Belle Isle might take too long. So of course YHC proceeded to take the PAX across the bridge to BI. Way to improvise on Belle Isle with the Log Lab Rat.

On the mosey over to Belle Isle there was mumblechatter about different Q stylings as Toga mentioned some Qs focus on exercises they are weak on while other offer up only their strengths. YHC loves Donkeykicks and cannot apologize for his serving these up to the PAX regularly.

The mix on the ground and log carries on BI made sure all the PAX got sufficiently messy and some good laughs were had at the form of the log sit ups although Toga was surely biting his lip on form. YHC was glad to meet Phonics and welcome to Flume. You put in a strong first showing and to YHC the naming of Flume was maybe the shortest naming seem so far. Afterwords YHC found out that that Flume played rugby in college and had that been shared would have insisted his name be Hooker.

Finishing up the last hill to the VA War Memorial was a great finish for Memorial Day. Everyone pushed hard and thanks again to Bleeder for taking us out in a moment of silence. There are no words to express our gratitute for those paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and safety, but let us remember them on this day.

A pleasure as always to lead this fine group of men!


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  1. Well done this morning, HoneyDo, but one slight correction…the log sit ups was Toga’s Q. Didn’t want to steal the thunder from him on a great call.

    Also, I was really impressed wth Flume’s showing this morning! I was a bit nervous with the ground covered, but he proved to have a ton of grit!

    Expect to see donkey kicks showing up at Lab Rat Q’s in the future, as I sucked at them today.