Four Starters at the GridIron this morning with a strong Double Dipper posting at 0727. The conditions were sublime and invited a workout of math-based Good Order as follows:
The Starter:
Mosey to track for a quick x25 mix of SSHs and Seal Jacks (IC).
The Ascent:
1 440 yard Track Run
1 50 yard Bear Crawl
2 50 yard Karaokes
3 50 yard Sprints
5 Lateral Lunges and Curtseys (right side) and 5 Lateral Lunges and Curtseys (left side)
8 8-Count BodyBuilders (Pan Pax cadence)
13 Swing Lunges (alternating legs forward and backward lunges, starting right side)
21 Squat Jumps
34 Mountain Climbers
The Summit:
55 Merkins and 55 Squats
55 Merkins and 55 Squats
55 Merkins and 55 Squats
The Descent:
34 Mountain Climbers
21 Squat Jumps
13 Swing Lunges (alternating legs forward and backward lunges starting left side)
8 8-Count BodyBuilders (Pan Pax cadence)
5 Lateral Lunges and Curtseys (right side) and 5 Lateral Lunges and Curtseys (left side)
3 50 yard Sprints
2 50 yard Karaokes
1 50 yard Bear Crawl
1 440 yard Track Run
The Finisher:
25 Discus Enclosure Fence Smokers with Heels to Heaven
10 Shoulders-Elevated Single Leg (r) Hip Thrust
10 Shoulders-Elevated Single Leg (l) Hip Thrust
10 Feet-Elevated Single Leg (r) Hip Thrust
10 Feet-Elevated Single Leg (l) Hip Thrust
4 minutes of Dips Tibatta Style
Counterama and Numberama.
DK provided some further details about F3 RVA’s support at The Doorways on May 23 – DK is doing a recon next week to identify the precise needs and to determine optimal way to deploy our resources. Look for more detail to come from DK. DK also reported on the excellent F3 contributions to the youth run club under TYA’s leadership.
Positive energy and gratitude expressed for the numerous workout offerings of F3 RVA – newest addition starting Monday at 0530 – RiverRun — running, and maybe some boot camp – AO is Bettie Weaver Elementary School.
Additional enthusiastic discussion about Circus Maximus and the solid work getting done there 0530 Thursday at Godwin High School (park far left (Ridgefield Pkwy) of school at bus loop).
Prayer of thanksgiving and supplication by YHC.
Welcome to Flipper who enjoyed his first posting at GridIron – we specialize in, and welcome, those who oversleep DogPile. Nice showing.
Actually, GridIron and Circus Maximus has the reigning narcoleptic – if you’re not one when you join us be advised that Attila may convert you (yawn).
Chum Bucket glided up and down the Ascent and Descent and basked at the Summit by executing flawlessly his 165 Merkins and 165 Squats – he put on a clinic.
White Deer took to his Bear Crawl on the Decent as if he were one of the bruins charging the feast at the Lambert Meadow Shelter just north of McAfee Knob on the AT. Perhaps we should rename him Baloo?
You just can’t pull anything past the perceptive DK. He swallowed the Red Pill and joined the GridIron Pax 2/3rds of the way thru the Summit. And before the Pax reached the end of the Descent DK astutely observed that we were amidst a reverse Fibonacci Sequence. Not sure there was anything elegant about the workout, but Good Order was within our grasps.
By the way, DK reports that he was under-worked at his first posting this morning because of the mutinous disruption to the DogPile beatdown (per DK, ONE 30 second break (to find lost keys) much to Swirly’s displeasure!). Time to tighten that ship, Swirly.
Coffeeteria at Chic-fil-a
1 Corinthians 16:13
1 Comment
Nice works fellas, DK double dip from a Swirly’s beat down don’t plan on getting off the couch tomorrow!!!