WhiteDeer has been a regular attendee at #GridIron for quite some time, despite having a knee replaced less than a year ago and battling some fairly difficult complications.
WhiteDeer is stepping up to join the ranks of F3Richmond leaders. Please consider coming out to #GridIron this coming Saturday at 0700 (or later if you elect to double-dip) to support him and to offer leadership guidance and mentoring. If you don’t know WhiteDeer, this would be a great time to introduce yourself to him.
I will be helping WhiteDeer prepare, but I cannot attend on Saturday due to a family trip out of town.
Many thanks, Jville
Planning on double dipping, hopefully arriving after the 10 min of Burpees is wrapped up if that is on the Weinke. Glad to see White Deer with his VQ!
Strong. Caveat emptor: WhiteDeer’s Wheelhouse is the ground game and that may include a Slaughter Finisher or Fourth Quarter Burpeemania.