Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Gimme Five


10 gathered on a morning which held much less rain then expected. Here’s what transpired:

COP: DQ, SSH, LBC, Flutter Kicks, Merkins. Escalating burpees between each (maxed at 5)
Escalating Merkins with curb crawl – max at 5
(Brief) Suicides: Run out, standing jump, return and perform 5 standing jumps (high-knee…whatever they are called). Progressed across the tennis courts
Four Corners: 5 Burpees, 10 Dips, 15 Merkins, 20 LBC’s. Five times around the track
Stop-drop-roll shuffle
Ring of Fire.
Indian run back to base.
2 minutes of Mary (Freddy Merc’s, Flutter Kicks)

Prior to starting out, Spotter demonstrated his stealth maneuvering skills by appearing out of nowhere. As we commenced the COP, mumble chatter ensued – from the usual suspects. YHC was concentrating on his counting so I cannot comment on what was said. After the curb crawls, had intended to add-in pole smokers in at the pavilion, but the tomatoes had gotten their first, so we went right to the suicides. Shout-out to spotter by over-achieving and adding a round – which we all subsequently followed.

During 4 corners, YHC attempted to go easy on the arms. Many were smoked from WDog the day before, so dips were understandably a challenge for many. Otherwise, Sippy, Spotter, and Swirly led the pack.

Stop, drop, roll was a big hit as usual, with Swirly first providing the demo. Note: YHC enjoyed watching TYA’s approach which was more of a slow down, lower oneself gingerly, and let one’s ballast gently roll-self over. YHC’s were strikingly similar, just lacking the finesse.

Announcements: Thoughts and prayers to Chum and his family. Upcoming 13 mi race trail run (see Lab Rat and TYA). Happy hour at ET on the 20th (Flashdance will send out BB to confirm attendance.) Rosie Q at Dogpile on Saturday – not to miss. Trail run on Sunday: Lab Rat has a 9 miler he is leading but shorter options will be available. (Remember: Only a few frigid days left in the season to catch TYA in his running tights!)

Nice to hear the good reviews regarding the many new AO’s around Richmond.

Saab abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. Well led, Saab. Even injured, you can throw a beat down. I missed the 5th corner, though.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    A Saab Q is always a solid beatdown – well done Saab! My man does DQ like Bleeder Bear crawls – damn that’s fast..
    Way to work this morning fella’s !

  3. Thanks Saab, I will be feeling that my fellow devil dog kicked some ass today, great job. Thanks for the fellowship after the beat down!!

  4. Finishing with stop/drop/roll was great. Pretty sure I’m close to mastering that little trick. Solid beatdown, Saab.

  5. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great job Saab. I still have no idea how anyone completes all the moves of a stop drop and roll in less than 2 minutes. I just fall to the ground, roll around until everyone else is done.