Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A “Special” Mary Workout


Seven (yes – I know odd friggin number – ugg!) special men approached SOT with the excitement that the weather was Sunny & 70. Soon to find out the app on our phone lied and it was below 50 degrees and the sunny was merely the full moon. Extra layers applied and off we went!

The Thang:

COP: SSH, Merkin, Plank Jacks, Dive Bombers, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes

Mosey to the track for Wilson’s version of F3 Nascar. Here is how it went down:

The workout consists of 3 elements, Push (roll the BIG tire around track), Run (to catch the tire rollers) & Exercises (ALL about Mary). The order was exercise, tire, run.

The exercises, Plank/Plank Dips/Cross Leg Lift – yup that’s it.


Wilson saw Lugnut at a LAX game last night and somehow the conversation ended up with YHC signing up to Q SOT. Damn HR. They are soooo sneaky and can’t be trusted!

He did recommend the ALL Mary workout. The tire was while not hard to push once rolling, it was a challenge to steer and Lugnut continued to teach about the apex of a turn. *noted* YHC skipped arm circles in the COP as the PAX commented that EVERY workout had arm circles. Then Bleeder tried to mosey back to the flag early #Qwatchalwaysright – we did some arm circles! Swirly quoted a few scenes from Something About Mary – thanks for the video clip!

YHC thought it was a good – not great workout. Next time I’ll plan the Mary exercises with purpose, not random. Who knew we’d only get through three. Had at least 10 prepared!

The PAX did great and I spent the long ride home satisfied and in reflection.


W-Dog starts next Wednesday, April 6.

HDHH at Elwoods 5-7 on April 20.

Toga wants a block party at 45MOM on Thursday. – BRING your blocks!

Galactosemia Foundation is having their annual golf tournament May 20th @ Birkdale. www.forethecause.org It is a great time and the beer is cold. There are plenty of spots left and Wilson would love to see you out there. Consider sponsoring or putting in a team. I realize time and money can be tough to come by, but anything you can do is greatly appreciated as this directly affects my youngest daughter who has Galactosemia. We would LOVE to find a cure!


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done Wilson – I am proud of you – you made it through the odd numbers….
    Good workout this morning fella’s ….
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Sorry I caused the odd numbers Wilson. Had I known you had such an aversion to odd numbers I may have fartsacked.

    I still want to know what Wilson’s wife saw for the first time last weekend.