Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hello FitBit; Farewell Daily Grind


Five of the faithful posted to #GridIron on a beautiful Saturday morning for an honest workout. Johnsonville planted a VSF, and took the Q. This is how it went down, more or less:

COP. Disclaimer. 25x SSH; 10x Merkins; 25x Vee Ups; 10x Single-leg Alabama Prom Dates; 25x Imperial Walkers; and 10x Hillbillies.

Mosey to picnic pavilion near parking area for Elevens consisting of Box Jumps, run the full length of the parking lot, Incline Merkins. Rinse and repeat in the style of Elevens.

Mosey to playground. COP. 35x LBCs and 10x Lt. Dan OYO.

Elevens consisting of Lat Pulls on playground equipment, run to picnic pavilion in woods behind playground, Decline Merkins. Rinse and repeat in the style of Elevens.

Mosey across the footbridge to the sand volleyball court. Plan in a Ring of Fire with each PAX bear crawling across volleyball court in succession.

Mosey to schoolhouse. Line up on People’s chair with each PAX running to grassy knoll and doing 5 burpees in succession.

Mosey to grassy knoll. 5 burpees OYO.

Mosey to picnic pavilion near schoolhouse. Chiabatta dips.

COP. 35x Freddie Mercs.



This was a tough workout and included more running than usual for #GridIron. YHC needed the extra running to help him fight off the last of an ugly chest and head cold. Earthworm was a good sport about it.

Welcome FNG FitBit! We are glad that you came out, and we hope you decide to make F3 a part of the regular routine.

Welcome back Flip Phone. You have been in our prayers!

Sadly, the Daily Grind’s Sort Pump location is no more. It’s last day was Saturday, and we were able to enjoy one last Coffeeteria there before bidding it farewell. We are considering alternatives.

Have a great week! Johnsonville


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