Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Shorts? No Hat? No Problem!


Lucky 13 attacked the Dogpile as follows

COT – 25 SSH, 15 Don Quixotes, 10 Russian Soldiers, Arm Circles – forward and reverse

Mosey over to the Carillon – Partner up!

Run to the top of the platform – 20 merkins

Run down and fireman carry to the end of the brick walk – 20 squat jumps


Mosey to the side of the Carillon – Find a Tree!

Round 1 – Freddy Mercurys while the other partner finds 3 trees, swap roles

Round 2 – Scorpion Dry Docks while the other partner finds 8 new trees, swap roles

Back to the pull up bars:

Round 1 – 10 pull ups, 25 pole smokers, 10 dips

Round 2 – 8 pull ups, 25 pole smokers, 8 dips

Round 3 – pull ups to failure, 25 pole smokers, dips to failure

Pick up the trail and head down the pipeline to the road – on your six and do 35 LBC and flip and do a ring of fire.

Face up the hill on the road – sprint to two light posts, recover, sprint to two more light posts uphill

Mosey back downhill to the pump station for Triple Check – Merkins, Flutter Kicks, and Run up the hill to the fence.  Progress through the cycle twice.

Over to Love Hill and make your way to the top with lunges, walk out merkins, and bear crawl.

Back to the VSF where Saab took us out.


Spring is in the air and YHC felt pounds lighter without all of the winter gear.  The AO was jamming as Swirly was updating the corporate policy on noise control.  Mumble chatter was aplenty as Aisle 5 announced that now that he had “Respect and a new body” he could drink much more.  Fudd came in hot with a few seconds to spare and it was time to workout.

Coming down the pipeline we startled a pack of deer grazing.  Pretty cool.

The partner workouts throughout today’s workout were getting to Wilson due to the odd numbers but he kept it under control.  Order was restored to the universe when Fudd needed to depart for class and we had an even number of Pax.

We came across another group working out in the AO, however we were skeptical.  From a far, their boxcutters looked like Os.  Oh well.

Coffee at Ellwood Thompson’s.  Lot’s of good discussion, bonding, and 2nd F.  By the way, ET has a beer and wine bar.



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  1. Lock Jaw – great Q! Be on the lookout for a blog about the ride to/from the AO in the Subaru. Gotta figure out how to do the blog thing. Saab – we saw a vehicle similar to yours on ride home. That one is now the new standard for a S@&# box! Yours is luxurious! Enjoying the 2nd F at ET. F3 corporate was happy HR was not present during some of the discussions! Great job fellas!

  2. Wilson looking forward to you and Aisle 5s podcast. Good Q Lockjaw. Also glad to know from the 2 F at ET that we have ample chiropractor coverage in the gloom for when we do partner carry from now on, I don’t always luck out and partner up with Saab…

  3. Great Q Lockjaw. Still feeling the sprints. Particularly enjoyed the comical manner by which Wilson managed to gain a 100 yard jump on the rest of us. Nice pairing up with you Honey Do…again you would do well with a guess-your-weight tent at the carnival. S@#$-box rules!

  4. Two Saabs = one Lockjaw in tonnage. I look forward to the Subaru podcast. Deep thoughts by Wilson and Aisle 5.