Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Putting up a Christmas Tree at NoToll


10 strong souls posted in the gloom, and that’s putting it Mildly.


Mosey to water Tower and to the First COP


24X DonQuiote
25X Deep Knee Bends
24X LBC’s

Mosey to corner of Field

Merkin Ladder 1-10 around outer part of the Fields and parking Lot. (2 laps – 1 mile) using the four corners as each rung on the ladder

Next evolution 11-20 Merkins, Using the four corners of the Parking lot.

Circle up at the end of the Ladder-

Do Merkins to Failure, then Merkin on knees to failure.

Mosey to Bleachers for some Triple Check

Pair up in teams of three- One does dips, one Planks, and One Runs a lap around the parking lot.

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag



When YHC arrived at NoToll this am and having the Merkin Challenge Month in the rearview mirror, YHC thought about how to pound out a few more merkins; realizing that Christmas Trees usually need a ladder, the Merkin Ladder was needed to help put up a tree.

KUDOS to South Cream, It was his second time out and he plowed through the entire set, Swirly did run back to check on his as he appeared to be face down in a puddle.

TYA arrived a few seconds late, but to even it out his Bass Pro Fishing Rain gear was a few decades early, circa 1972. He was quoted in saying that this was the hardest post ever!

No announcements, however, it’s my understanding that Johnsonville is putting together a form of challenge that includes Burpees… are you kidding me Burpees really?!….. Burpees Seriously Burpees!!!!!!!!!!! sign up on the Spreadsheet Jville is putting together.


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    South Cream, Salad cream, whatever. Great beatdown on a truly crappy weather day! Glad I posted.

  2. Yes burpees and it sucks. But I’m getting a lot of laughter from Wilson’s wife on my form.

  3. I was cold for about a minute, then I got better. Truly torture on the arms! Nice work, Bleeder.

  4. Thanks for the fun Bleeder. Rain workouts can be fun. Rain and cold workouts just aren’t.

    Re this challenge, I think you guys doing it should write an apology letter to your shoulders right now. In a month you can open it and remember the good old days (30 days ago) when they used to work.