11 Pax joined us on a crisp fall morning.
Sippy Cup leading:
SSH x 25
Russian Soldiers x 20
Arm circles OYO big/little, backwards/forwards palms up/down
Merkins x 12
Russian Twists x 30
Peggy Flemings (new calf burner exercise) Balance on left leg with right leg out in front of you ~ 6 inches of the ground. Hold. On Q’s command swing the right leg back behind you while bending at waist to maintain balance. Hold. Repeat front and back one more time. Switch legs and do the same with the right leg straight and left leg off the ground. 10-15 seconds per hold was a good challenge.
Mosey up to top of carrilon steps for a 4 corners. 10 Burpees, 20 Ball dippers, 30 Merkins, 40 LBCs all on the carillon platform. Bear crawl between corners, rather than run.
Mosey to Hate Hill. Exercises: Lunges, Walkout pushups, Duck walks, repeat
Run up pipe and when you get to top do an isometric hold with locked arms on the parallel bars while waiting for the six.
Wilson leading.
Diagonal 4 corners (run along short end of field, sprint diagonally). Exercises all x15 (LBCs, Right cross leg lifts, Left cross leg lifts, heel touches (from crunch position)). Done 2x. Finish things off with 10 pickle pounders in cadence.
Dealers Choice Ring of Fire. Each man calls out exercise for person to his right. When dealer calls bonus, everyone does the exercise. Exercises included: burpees, merkins, Carolina dry docks, Scorpoin dry docks, Peter Parkers, Mountain climbers, Parker Peters and some others.
Partner up for Pole smokers x 15. Finish off with 50 Merkins.
Mosey back to flag.
It was nice to have out of town guests Sir Topham Hat, OBT, Disney, and Exeter from Charlotte with us today. They have family in Richmond and are up for the Thanksgiving weekend. Have a safe trip back gents.
Peggy Fleming is worth doing again. The credit for naming Peggy Fleming goes to OBT. There was a lot of laughter during this exercise—some of the Pax are balance-challenged, and others became balance challenged when they were laughing at those who were. We tend to lack calf-specific exercises, so this is a good addition.
Part way through Hate Hill, several Pax relayed the message that there were dogs and “Look out for Bobo.” As it turned out, halfway through our exercise a man had pulled up in a pickup truck and had let out his dogs. The first two dogs were unchained didn’t care at all that we were there, and YHC and TYA, who were running together, wondered what the big deal was. As it turns out Bobo, the third dog, was chained to the truck right near the gate where our turnaround was. As TYA approached the gate, Bobo him know with a vicious bark and snarl that getting any closer would be very unwise. Everyone gave Bobo a wide berth after that. “Look out for Bobo” became a workout theme.
During the 4-corners diagonal exercise, Aisle 5 seriously impressed with his speed, blowing away most of the rest of the PAX. Wow! Sir Topham Hat, Disney, and Rosey also brought their wheels.
Not all of the PAX made it up to 50 Merkins to finish off the workout—but we are getting stronger and even to suggest this exercise several months back would have been laughable.
YHC’s choice of Hate Hill was a bit questionable since it was still kind of dark. It would be best to move that to the end of the workouts until the morning light comes earlier.
Good work guys!
Nicely done Sippy! I’ll Q with you any day! Bobo almost took out OBT, but he stood his ground strong…while I ran and screamed like a girl! Totally had OBT’s back but apparently not his calfs! Great work today and it was fun working out with the fellas from out of town.
Enjoyed the split Q. Sippy that first 4 corners was tough, way to bury the lead with the instructions to bear crawl to each corner. On the diagonal sprints I had Aisle 5 clocked at a 4.35 fourth time on the first one, maybe Wilson can let Rex know he knows someone with NFL cover corner speed…
I bet Aisle 5 can ball! If he can punch Bill Belicheck in the nuts he could get a contract with the Bills. Go Bills!
Great Q guys, really enjoyed it. I never get used to coming up the pipeline. That’s a tough hill.