Seven waterlogged gents posted for the latest episode of #ThePunisheRVA. We accomplished the following:
Mosey around the sideyard near the outdoor classroom for initial COP with Imperial Walkers x 25, Russian Soldiers x 25, Don Quixotes x 25, and Snow Angels x 25
Jog around to the front schoolyard for a second circle. PAX does High Knees in place while one member runs around the outside of the circle. Repeat until all have made one lap. Next, do Butt Kickers in place with each PAX member makes a lap. One more time with High Knees and once more with Butt Kickers. Remain in circle and Side Skip in unison old-school wrestling practice-style. Circle a couple of times one way. Stop. Circle a couple of times the other.
Run to the parking lot for the Prison Cell routine. Each PAX member picks a parking space and completes several rounds of exercises within that space.
Round 1 – Windshield Wipers (Plank back and fro with feet in one place) for time followed by Prisoner Squats x 25, Merkins x 25, LBCs x 50, and SSHs x 25. Touchdown Al Gore when done.
Round 2 – Bear Crawl (back and forth) for time followed by Side Lunges (each side) x 25, Carolina Dry Docks x 25, Flutter Kicks (two count) x 50, and Jump Squats x 25. TD Al Gore.
Round 3 – Side Walk Plank (Plank around the space moving hands and feet) for time followed by Forward Lunges (both legs) x 25, Werkins x 25, Freddy Mercuries (two count) x 50, and High Knees in Place (two count) x 2. TD Al Gore. Run a lap around the parking lot.
Round 4 – Windmills for time followed by Wide Squats x 25, Clerkins x 25, Hello Dollies x 50, and the Hop Forward / Lunge Back medley x 25. TD Al and run a lap.
Round 5 – Crab Walk (hither and yon) for time, then 180s x 25, Wide Grip Carolina Dry Docks x 25, Rosalitas x 50, and Mountain Climbers (two count) x 25. TD Al.
Finish in place by hitting the ground for Alabama Prom Dates x 25, then some brief stretching.
Jog to the flag.
Our time in the grass was limited, but the ground had drained well and the parking lot was essentially dry. We’ll get on our backs in the grass following the next weekend rain, though.
Announcements –
As of this posting, the week’s Q slots have been filled – good work.
There may still be a slot or two open for the Rugged Maniac this weekend – October 10th – contact TYA.
DK is coordinating F3 Richmond participation and presence at the Bottom to Tap 5K on October 17th. YHC is participating with his daughter that same day in an Inflatables 5K at Meadow Event Park. The kid likes bouncy houses.
Honey Do has encouraged participation in a Richmond Go Ruck event on October 24th. YHC is expecting to participate. Don’t think it is too late.
Swirly is encouraging participation in the Great Pumpkin 5K on Saturday, October 31st.
Also, the Bear Creek 10 miler will be held on December 6th. A handful of our folks have signed up.