Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Blimps with a Twist


6 Beasts posted to prove that it is worth getting out of the fartsack and making yourself better.  Weather was beautiful, mid 60’s, low humidity, no sign of rain.

The Thang:

Pick out a couple of mid sized rocks for later in the workout.

Mosey to front of school.  20x SSH, 5 burpees, 20x Through the Tunnel, 4 burpees, 35x LBC, 3 burpees, 20x Imperial Walkers, 2 burpees, 20x Squats, 1 burpee,   Mosey to track, stopping along the way to retrieve rocks, leave rocks at side of track.  BLIMPS with a twist.  6 stations, one in middle of front straight away, one at each corner of track and one on back straight away.  At first station, 5 burpees, second station 10 LT. Dan’s, third 15 imperial walkers, 4th 20 merkins, 5th 25 plank jacks, sixth 30 squats, back to start and do 35 russian twists.  Repeat x 4.  Mosey to rocks and do 20x tricep curls, 15x bicep curls, 10x lawnmowers each side.  Mosey back to shovel flag.


Aisle 5 continues to channel his inner Sippy Cup, posting to the workout on foot with a waterbottle in his hand.  Despite the fact that they are relatively the same height (?) nobody is going to mistake one for the other, even in the dark.  Aisle 5 is getting stronger and stronger everyday, he put in a respectable performance at the Sunday trail run last week.  Great job for his first time out.

Wedding Singer is quickly approaching the birth of his first child.  Many of the seasoned parents pointed out that a first newborn does not have to slow down your excursions from the house.  With a young child who is not yet mobile, pretty much anything still goes.  YHC has been trying to get Singer out for a Sunday run.  This week he is going to be occupied with family in town, followed by a baby shower.  Oh, what fun is in store for him!!!

I have decided to enter Swirly and Bleeder into a push up contest.  The contest would be for speed.  I am sure someone could beat them in number of push up done, but not in the speed in which they are done.  They lap me everytime a push up is involved in a routine.

Best Shot was back after a short rest.  After posting for 5 days straight his first week, his body needed a little R&R.

Good luck to Lug Nut who is off taking his son to college!!


Hill run today, 530 pm at Hillcrest and Cary.

Tomorrow will be Pucker’s Virgin Q.  I am looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us.  A whole workout of backwards running.  Come on out to find out!

Year anniversary convergence on 9/19 Gridiron.  More info to come.


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  1. TYA-Great Q and thanks for the continued support and encouragement. I am so glad I did the trail run last Sunday. After a run like that, the daily workouts are way less daunting. Of course I could hardly walk on Monday and Tuesday but I was really ready to work hard by Wednesday. Feeling stronger – Aisle 5