Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Punishment at the Pavilion


An eager group of eleven posted at the former 13 Acres property for this week’s episode of The Punisher.  The rain held off long enough for the PAX to finish the following:

Mosey around the front parking lot for the initial COP including:  Imperial Walkers x 25, SSH x 25, Moroccan Nightclub (borrowed for RVA) x 50, Prisoner Squats x 25, and Plank Dips x 10.

Jog to the school’s outdoor pavilion for:

Whole Lotta Rosie (another borrowed for RVA) – Mountain Climbers x 30, LBCs x 42, Mountain Climbers x 30, Russian Twists x 39, Mountain Climbers x 30, and Flutter Kicks x 56 – then Bear Crawl to the pavilion shed, jog over to Hermitage Road and back around to the parking lot entrance, and Zombie Walk back to the pavilion.

Mucho Chesto (final borrowed routine for the morning) – Merkins x 10, Werkins x 10, Clerkins x 10, Staggered Merkins each side x 10, flip over to Dead Cockroach until all are done round 1, then flip back over and go another round followed by the Bear Crawl, jog, and Zombie Walk loop again.

Whole Lotta Rosie once again followed by the Crawl, jog, and Zombie Walk.

Lindsays / 40s – starting with World War I sit-ups along with Dips using the picnic tables at the pavilion.  This final routine was interrupted for a mosey back to the Shovel Flag.


Welcome Paul Brooks – FNG.  Regular workout lineup for the week plus Hill run again Wednesday afternoon and trail run next Sunday.  Next Wednesday’s Hill run will be followed by a beverage at TYA’s house – this will serve as our second F for August.


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1 Comment

  1. I’m not gonna lie. I was more than a little worried we were going to do 2 rounds of Mucho Chesto. Solid Q!